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Pierpaolo Rapuzzi

Biodiversity Journal, 15 (1): 037-040
Contribution to the knowledge of the Iraqi fauna of Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera Cerambycidae)

The Iraqi fauna of Cerambycidae is still under-researched. This article contributes to the knowledge of the Cerambycidae fauna of Iraq by reviewing the updated literature, and reporting Phytoecia (Paracoptosia) urartica Kasatkin, 2015, as a new record for the Iraqi fauna. Furthermore, this article also includes an additional Southern distributional range and interesting localities of the recently described species, Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) ringenbachi Rapuzzi et Sama, 2018, and the Middle East widespread Purpuricenus wachanrui Levrat, 1858.

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