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Biodiversity Journal 2013, Monograph: 135-178

  • Biodiversity Journal, 4 (1): 135-178 - MONOGRAPH

    Silvia Alfinito & Horst Lange-Bertalot
    Contribution to the knowledge of the freshwater algae of Sierra Leone (Tropical West Africa): diatoms from Loma Mountains and Bumbuna Falls, the Northern Province

    The freshwater flora of Sierra Leone, in particular the northern province, is still poorly investigated. We describe here the diatoms found in small pools in two locations of the northern province: Peak Bintimani (Loma Mountains) and Bumbuna Falls. Altogether 65 taxa, belonging to 31 genera are described. About 32 dubious Holarctic taxa, suspected to be new to science, are noted as “cf. ”, expecting a differential diagnosis later on after further SEM observations. This is the case of very interesting taxa belonging to the genera Eunotia, Luticola, Frustulia and Brachysira.