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Biodiversity Journal 2015, Monograph: 855-905

  • Biodiversity Journal, 6 (4): 855-900 - MONOGRAPH

    Ricardo Cordeiro, José P. Borges, António M.F. Martins & Sérgio P. Ávila
    Checklist of the littoral gastropods (Mollusca Gastropoda) from the Archipelago of the Azores (NE Atlantic)

    The littoral gastropods (Mollusca Gastropoda) are probably the best known marine invertebrates in the Azores. Recently, this fauna has been studied by several authors, resulting in a regular increase of the knowledge of its biodiversity. However, the data are scattered by numerous publications, making it clear the need of an updated checklist of the littoral gastropods from the Azores. Our study presents a checklist of the littoral gastropods from the Azores, based on data from the literature and from new material examined. The occurrence of Caecum gofasi, Cerithiopsis cf. nana, Curveulima dautzenbergi, Liostomia mamoi, Mangelia scabrida, and Rissoella contrerasi is reported for the first time. Our findings expand the known regional biodiversity of littoral gastropods to 281 species. A list of dubious records and misidentifications is also presented, as well as the reasons for the exclusion of these species from the checklist.

  • Biodiversity Journal, 6 (4): 901-905 - MONOGRAPH

    Marco Arculeo
    Biodiversity in the era of the market globalization: some cases from the marine realm

    The globalization of markets and te growing scarcity of te mediterranea fishery products caused by the over-exploitation of the most consumed species has determined an increase in demand of frozen or trasformed fishery products importated from different countries. This caused an increase of food fraud represented by the substitution of a species with another with less economical value but which presents similar morphological characeristics. The use of modern tools as the DNA barcoding is crucial for traceability of such products and provides the consumer the necessary information about the exact identification of the species and their origin. The Italia and European Union food stuff are controlled thanks to laws, while for many non UE products are not expected any control inspection.