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Biodiversity Journal 2017, 8 (2): 313-772
Biodiversity Journal, 8 (2): 313-314Alessandro Margelli
Cochlodina (Procochlodina) kuesteri (Rossmässler, 1836) (Gastropoda Clausillidae) -
Biodiversity Journal, 8 (2): 315-389 - MONOGRAPH
Paolo Stara & Enrico Borghi
Revision of the genus Amphiope L. Agassiz, 1840 (Echinoidea Astriclypeidae) with the description of a new species from the Miocene of FranceABSTRACT
The taxonomy of Amphiope L. Agassiz, 1840 (Echinoidea, Astriclypeidae), an echinoid distributed in the Oligo-Miocene of Central and Southern Europe, is largely unresolved since the description of most species attributed to this genus was based only on the external morphological features, while important characters, such as the oral plating and the internal support system, were poorly illustrated or completely omitted. Additionally, the type material of some species was missing or badly preserved and geographical/stratigraphical information about the type-locality was unclear. This was the case also for Amphiope bioculata (Des Moulins, 1837), the type species of the genus. The poor definition of the earlier described species of Amphiope prevented comparison with fossils from other localities and ages, subsequently attributed to this genus. A large part of the earlier species of Amphiope, key-taxa for the resolution of the complex taxonomy of this genus, are herein revised by modern methods. For this purpose, the type material available in public institutions has been re-examined and, when possible, new topo-typic material has been collected. As a result, the morphological description of A. bioculata has been completed based on fossils from the Middle Miocene of Hérault (France), which is here considered as the type area. The redefinition of the type species allowed to extend comparison and taxonomic discussion to other species earlier attributed to Amphiope. Seventeen species are herein confirmed as valid and maintained in the genus Amphiope. Three additional species so far attributed to Amphiope have been transferred to the genus Paraamphiope Stara et Sanciu, 2014: P. agassizi (Des Moulins in Cotteau, 1865), P. cherichirensis (Thomas et Gauthier, 1889) and P. baquiei (Lambert, 1907). Amphiope boulei Cottreau, 1914, has been assigned to the genus Sculpsitechinus Stara et Sanciu, 2014. Amphiope romani n. sp. is described on the basis of a sample from the Serravallian-Tortonian of Touraine (France); it is distinguished mainly by the periproct very close to the posterior margin and the lack of sinus in correspondence of the frontal ambulacra. -
Biodiversity Journal, 8 (2): 391-688 - MONOGRAPH
Sabrina Lo Brutto, Eugenia Schimmenti & Davide Iaciofano
The 17th International Colloquium on AmphipodaABSTRACT
The 17th International Colloquium on Amphipoda (17th ICA) has been organized by the University of Palermo (Sicily, Italy), and took place in Trapani, 4-7 September 2017. All the contributions have been published in the present monograph and include a wide range of topics. -
Biodiversity Journal, 8 (2): 689-696
Aouissi Nora, Amel Hamza-Meddad & Djemai Rachid
Impact of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Fertilization Levels on biochemical changes in potato (Solanum tuberosum L., Solanales Solanaceae)ABSTRACT
Experiments have been carried out to evaluate the potential biochemical mycorrhizal benefit of potato (Solanum tuberosum L., Solanales Solanaceae) grown in northeastern Algeria. Three doses of chemical fertilizer (NPK) corresponding to 0, 50 and 100% of the recommended dose have been applied in presence or not in presence of the mycorrhizal inoculant. The results have revealed that the additional contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi combined with 50% chemical fertilizer gives the best results. A significant increase has been observed at the root colonization and chlorophyll content level. In terms of tuber quality, there is a significant increase in starch and protein content. However, the application of mycorrhizae alone will not compete with synthetic fertilizers in vegetable gardening, but could reduce their applications and thus improve yield while preserving the environment. -
Biodiversity Journal, 8 (2): 697-718
Iris Biondi, Marzio Zapparoli, Ulderico Neri & Francesco Antonio Biondi
Relationships between macroarthropods assemblages and soil characteristics: data from forest habitats of Central ItalyABSTRACT
With this work we wanted to study qualitatively and quantitatively epigeal soil fauna in some forest areas in the Regional Natural Reserve of Monte Rufeno, Lazio (Italy). In addition to the meso- and macroarthropods (quality and quantity) we also examined some chemical para- meters of the soil (pH, organic carbon, nitrogen, exchangeable cations, cation exchange capacity, limestone) and physical ones (particle size, apparent density), in order to demonstrate possible relationships between the texture of the soil fauna and the soil itself. The sampled stations consist of mixed oak and were chosen to represent the diversity of these forest formations in the area concerned. The results are structured in a scheme that identifies the soils groups, an analysis of the fauna, and fauna-soil correlations. By the different approaches of statistical analysis conducted to assess the interlinkages between soil characteristics and density of activities of centipedes and of all arthropods, the values of the number of species detected confirm those found in other forest areas of central Italy. As regards the correlations between soil characteristics and density of activity of the Arthropods, it was observed that the latter is positively correlated with the amount of organic substance and, secondarily, with the quantity of clay + silt present in the first layers of the profiles. It was also deepened the study of one taxonomic group (Chilopoda) and, with respect to the results, the number of species that constitutes the taxocenose within the Reserve (19 species), confirmed results found in other forest areas of central Italy. The small skeleton and surface horizon of the soil, do not seem to favor the presence of centipedes. -
Biodiversity Journal, 8 (2): 719-724
Zhiying Chen, Tao Qin & Xiaoyong Chen
A new genus record of Yasuhikotakia Nalbant, 2002 (Teleostei Botiidae) and a new species record of Brachydanio Weber et de Beaufort, 1916 (Teleostei Cyprinidae) to ChinaABSTRACT
Two species of small freshwater fishes of Botiidae and Cyprinidae families of SE Asia were collected during field ichthyofauna surveys in lower Lancangjiang, Mekong basin before raining season in 2015. Both Yasuhikotakia lecontei (Fowler, 1937) (Teleostei Botiidae) and Brachydanio rosea (Fang et Kottelat, 2000) (Teleostei Cyprinidae) are new records to China, and the genus Yasuhikotakia Nalbant, 2002 is firstly recorded in China. The occurrence of the two species in Xishuangbanna Prefecture, Yunnan Province is most likely a natural extension of their distributional range. The meristics and measurements of the specimens, diagnosis, photographs, radiographs and distribution map of the two newly recorded species are provided. -
Biodiversity Journal, 8 (2): 725-738
Giulia Furfaro & Egidio Trainito
A new species from the Mediterranean Sea and North-Eastern Atlantic Ocean: Knoutsodonta pictoni n. sp. (Gastropoda Heterobranchia Nudibranchia)ABSTRACT
Knoutsodonta pictoni n. sp. (Gastropoda Heterobranchia Nudibranchia) is described here based on morphological and molecular analyses of specimens from Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean. Ecological notes on the egg development and new species distribution range are also presented. COI DNA barcoding was used to molecularly identify this species and to assess one sequence present in Genbank but for which identification was not provided. Furthermore, the intraspecific genetic divergence was explored for specimens belonging to different populations. -
Biodiversity Journal, 8 (2): 739-748
Sunil Kumar Gupta & Kailash Chandra
A Taxonomic study of the Pygmygrasshopper (Orthoptera Tetrigidae) from India with description of a new speciesABSTRACT
A new species of genus Coptotettix Bolivar, 1887, C. magedhensis n. sp. (Orthoptera Tetrigidae), is described from Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh, India. Also studied with 19 species belonging to 7 genera under two subfamilies Scelimeninae and Tetriginae under family Tetrigidae. -
Biodiversity Journal, 8 (2): 749-752
Francesco M. Angelici & Lorenzo Rossi
Further lion, Panthera leo senegalensis Meyer, 1826, sightings in Mole National Park, Ghana, and possible first serval Leptailurus serval Schreber, 1776 record after 39 years (Mammalia Felidae)ABSTRACT
In this note we report on two recent sightings of lion, Panthera leo senegalensis Meyer, 1826 (Mammalia Felidae), one of which made by the authors, in Mole National Park (Ghana) during our last field research in April, 2015. We also obtained a camera trap picture of a probable serval individual, Leptailurus serval Schreber, 1776 (Mammalia Felidae), a species not recorded in the Park since 1976. Our conclusions indicate how the cat status in Mole National Park is very little known. -
Biodiversity Journal, 8 (2): 753-762
Giuseppe Fabrizio Turrisi & Giovanni Altadonna
A report on two alien invasive species of the genus Sceliphron Klug, 1801 (Hymenoptera Sphecidae) from Sicily, with a brief faunistic update on the native speciesABSTRACT
Two alien invasive species of the genus Sceliphron Klug, 1801 (Hymenoptera Sphecidae) were recently found in Sicily: S. caementarium (Drury, 1773) is recorded from Sicily (Messina province) for the first time; S. curvatum (F. Smith, 1870), previously recorded from Sicily only through generic data from literature and only one locality in a web forum of amateurs, is confirmed as definitely established in the Island. The Regional distribution of both alien species in Italy is revised based on data taken from literature and reliable reports from web forums. A brief faunistic account on the three native Sceliphron from Sicily is provided: S. destillatorium (Illiger, 1807) and S. spirifex (Linnaeus, 1758) are both new for the Aeolian Islands (respectively reported for Panarea and Vulcano). -
Biodiversity Journal, 8 (2): 763-768
Andrea Battisti & Maurizio Pavesi
First records of breeding Sympecma paedisca (Brauer, 1877) (Odonata Lestidae) in ItalyABSTRACT
Oviposition in Italian populations of Sympecma paedisca (Brauer, 1877) (Odonata Lestidae) was observed for the first time. This species is listed as Endangered (EN) in the Mediterranean Basin and as Critically Endangered (CR) in Italy. Several ovipositing tandems were observed for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016, from the 17th of May to the 10th of June, in the “Riserva Naturale Orientata della Baraggia di Candelo” (=Heathlands Oriented Natural Reserve) (North Piedmont), a protected area and a military zone too, in a pond at the edge of the heathland. Oviposition substrates are vertical living Juncus effusus L. stems, preferably the isolated ones or those on the external side of the tufts, rather than inside them; eggs are laid about 20 to 50 cm above the water level. In the heathland, around the breeding site, tens of adults were seen every autumn and winter, also in December and January sunny days. Reproductive S. paedisca were also occasionally observed in other two localities, namely the lake of Viverone and the “Riserva Naturale Orientata Palude di Casalbeltrame” (= Casalbeltrame Fen Oriented Natural Reserve). Notes on breeding behaviour and a description of both breeding and overwintering area of S. paedisca are provided, since knowledge of its breeding and overwintering sites is needed to ensure their protection and therefore the conservation of Italian populations of this damselfly. -
Biodiversity Journal, 8 (2): 769-771
David P. Cilia
Contributions to the malacology of Malta, III. First record of Planorbella duryi (Wetherby, 1879) (Gastropoda Planorbidae) for CominoABSTRACT
The freshwater and allochthonous species Planorbella duryi (Wetherby, 1879) (Gastropoda Planorbidae) (= Helisoma duryi Wetherby, 1879) is reported from the island of Comino (Maltese archipelago). This is the first record of a freshwater species and also of an allochthonous species for the third largest island of the Maltese archipelago.
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