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Abdelkader Khiari

  • Biodiversity Journal, 11 (2): 497-504

    Sihem Fellah, Ghania Atmani-Merabet & Abdelkader Khiari
    Current situation of nitric pollution of irrigation water in the irrigated perimeter of F’Kirina (Algeria): extent and content

    The plain of F’Kirina belongs to the sub-watershed of Garaet Tarf (Algeria). Its area is of the order of 760 km2. The intensification of agriculture in this region leads to a significant use of phytosanitary products. The examination of the nitrate results on a low level of the measurements carried out on all the points of the plain of F’Kirina shows an area with a high concentration: near the salt lake Gareat Taref, the concentration of nitrates in the waters of irrigations are between 40 and 65 mg/l. In addition, in this zone, the water table is shallow, making the zone saturated with nitrate far exceeding the recommended standard, this mainly due to the presence of salt water. In the rest of the plain, the nitrate contents of the water remain in the standards of potability; they do not exceed 10 mg/l. These results confirm the impact of agricultural intensification in the degradation of the groundwater quality of the F’Kirina region.