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Abdelkrim Benaradj

  • Biodiversity Journal, 12 (1): 0155-0169

    Hartani Ahmed, Baghdadi Djillali, Anteur Djamel & Benaradj Abdelkrim
    Detection of urban spot in the plain of Mina (Western Algeria)

    During the last three decades, the plains of the Oued Cheliff watershed, have been affected by the decisions of the State which tried to change its development policy. This has put these plains in a state of transformation, whose rate of population has increased by causing greater worries such as consumption, employment, and housing needs. The latter has affected this environmental space and its agro systems by reducing the area of its most fertile lands and the pollution of the places that use its natural resources. In order to do our studies, we have chosen the Mina plain, which is part of a space that is in full change with regard to its physical environment, its demographic and economic aspect while acting on its agro systems. This study will develop a methodology, based on the integration of satellite images and cartographic data into a geographical information system (SIG) for the identification and mapping of urban extensions on agricultural land in the Mina Plain.

  • Biodiversity Journal, 10 (3): 259-264

    Djillali Baghdadi, Mustapha Faafaa, Abdelkrim Benaradj, Djamel Anteur & Ahmed Hartani
    Contribution to the phytodiversity study of the Ouled Sidi Abdelaziz (forest of Ouled Sidi Yahia) in North-West of Algeria

    This work consists in evaluating the phytodiversity of the western foothills of Ouarsenis (Algeria). For this purpose, we favored subjective sampling. The study of floristic diversity has made it possible to establish a list represented by 103 species distributed in 39 families with more common Fabaceae, Liliaceae and, finally, Asteraceae. The biological spectrum of these species reveals the dominance of phanerophytes and therophytes. On the biogeographic level, the flora is dominated by Mediterranean species with a rate of 51%. This contribution revealed significant results that could be used for the valorization and preservation of these zones.