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Antonino Puglisi

  • Biodiversity Journal, 15 (2): 205-210 - MONOGRAPH

    Antonino Puglisi
    Three days at school with FAST

    “Three days at school with FAST” is the name of the environmental education project included within the FAST (Fight Alien Species Transborder), Project Interreg Italy-Malta. The FAST Project aims to record the entry and spread of non-native animal and plant species; and even more so those invasive species capable of reducing biodiversity in the islands of Sicily and Malta, located in the center of the Mediterranean basin. Furthermore, an important part of the project concerns dissemination, raising awareness among the community about alien species, the problems associated with them and the protection of biodiversity. Environmental education in schools (today considered an important form of dissemination of good practices) is the focus of the three days at school with FAST. An attempt was made to give the youngest elementary and middle school students tangible experiences, to teach them useful practices for the protection of nature by explaining, for the purposes of greater knowledge and awareness, environmental issues and problems linked to the most well-known and widespread alien species in Sicily, Thanks to the game and the experiences proposed in the three scheduled meetings, the aim is to enhance and at the same time learn to protect local environmental resources.