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Carlo Monari

  • Biodiversity Journal, 15 (1): 059-062

    Calogero Muscarella & Carlo Monari
    First report of the Curtonotidae Enderlein, 1914 family and the Curtonotum anus (Meigen, 1830) species (Diptera Ephydroidea) from the Sicilian fauna (Italy)

    The authors, on the basis of recent research on the pollinators of Galium litorale Gussone, 1827 (Gentianales Rubiaceae), carried out in western Sicily (Italy), report Curtonotum anus (Meigen, 1830) for the first time in this island. This species belongs to the Curtonotidae Enderlein, 1914 family, which is also new to the island. With this report, there are 3 families of Ephydroidea known for Sicily. In this work, some ecological considerations on C. anus are also reported.