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Elena Biondo

  • Biodiversity Journal, 15 (2): 225-233 - MONOGRAPH

    Giulia Casamento, Angelo Dimarca, Gianfranco Barraco & Elena Biondo
    Protected Natural Areas and Renaturation: the Nature Reserve “Grotta di Santa Ninfa” (Trapani, Sicily, Italy)

    The Nature Reserve “Grotta di Santa Ninfa” (Trapani, Sicily, Italy) protects an area of geological and naturalistic interest extended for about 140 ha and included in a larger Special Conservation Area. Since its establishment, the Managing Body has started the actions of environmental restoration of the plateau above the chalky slope where the entrance of the Grotto opens, altered before the establishment of the Reserve by widespread discharges of inert waste. This work describes the actions carried out and the results obtained.