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Enrico Pezzoli

  • Biodiversity Journal, 1: 045-055

    Enrico Pezzoli
    Notes on new or rare taxa of Crustaceans and Molluscs from a “fontanile” in Arzago d'Adda, Bergamo, Italy (Crustacea, Mollusca)

    The present work is a continuation of previous researches and censuses carried out by the Author, reports on Italian biotopes characterized by typical fauna inhabiting springs and other fluvial (or freshwater). During the last decades, many of these areas were severely altered and/or even obviated; nevertheless, at the same time, new stations harbouring a rich biodiversity were discovered. This paper provides data on ecology and fauna composition of some “fontanili” of Lombardia Region, (Italy), focusing on new or rare taxa of molluscs and crustaceans found in a “fontanile” of Arzago d'Adda (Bergamo).