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Ibrahim Benmechta

  • Biodiversity Journal, 12 (2): 0369-0378

    Ibrahim Benmechta, Rédda Aboura & Brahim Babali
    Composition and diversity of Osyris L. (Santalales Santalacae) communities in the Tlemcen region

    The region of Tlemcen has a very rich and diverse flora heritage thanks to its geological and climatic variations. The genus Osyris L. (Santalales Santalaceae) is a semi-parasitic species which remains continually subject to host plants that are not well known in our study area. Our main objective was to search for this species, to inventory the taxa which enter into the structuring of its populations in the Tlemcen region and then to characterize them systematically, biologically and biogeographically. The bioclimatic approach of the stations studied shows a lower semi-arid bioclimatic stage which has an influence on the floristic procession of these stands dominated by therophytes. The floristic inventory carried out enabled us, above all, to identify certain host plants specific to the presence of this genus with its two species Osyris alba L. and O. lanceolata, Ochst et Steud. in the Tlemcen region. This presence obeys specific ecological conditions which will give a certain distribution that we will detail in our next work.