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Kamala K. Asadova

  • Biodiversity Journal, 15 (3): 469-478

    Kamala K. Asadova, Rena T. Abdiyeva, Naiba P. Mehdiyeva & Nigar Mursal
    Assessment of the vegetation state of the coastal ecosystems of the Caspian Sea northern part (within Azerbaijan) and their transformation

    This article provides the results of monitoring the flora and vegetation of the northern part of the Caspian Sea in modern conditions, analyzes the species composition and vegetation cover of the coastal strip, compiles the succession series of vegetation depending on the coastal zonation, and also considers factors such as anthropogenic activity and the impact of lichens. On the basis of the obtained materials, possible options for the further development of vegetation are predicted with possible fluctuations in the level of the Caspian Sea in the future.