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Lyas Baikeche

  • Biodiversity Journal, 12 (4): 0957-0966

    Lyas Baikeche, Abdelkader Lounaci, Matthew Ford, Dhya Lounaci-Daoudi & Jörg Freyhof
    Freshwater fishes of West Kabylia, Algeria

    In this work, the diversity of freshwater fishes from western Kabylia (northern Algeria) was examined and a total of 18 species were identified, including seven native and 11 non-native species. Only Luciobarbus setivimensis, Salaria fluviatilis, Tropidophoxinellus callensis are exclusive native freshwater inhabitants with the remainder euryhaline migrants or temporary residents. The highest species richness was recorded in the Oued-Aïssi drainage where 13 species were recorded, followed by the Oued-Bougdourra with seven species and the Oued-Boubhir with six species. The most widespread and abundant native species is Luciobarbus setivimensis, which was found at 20 sites, while non-native Carassius auratus and Pseudorasbora parva were recorded at 15 and 14 sites, respectively.