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  • Biodiversity Journal, 11 (1): 259-262

    Mardiansyah & Yusli Wardiatno
    New distribution record of Elysia leucolegnote (Jensen, 1990) (Sacoglossa Plakobranchidae) in mangrove ecosystem of Biak Numfor, Papua - Indonesia

    Elysia leucolegnote (Jensen, 1990) (Sacoglossa Plakobranchidae) was firstly found in Hong Kong and described in 1989. Furthermore, in the past decade, the mangrove leaf-slug, E. leucolegnote, has been found outside Hong Kong, for example in Thailand, India, and Australia, but it is here reported for the first time in Indonesia. Details on the distribution, habitat and external morphology of E. leucolegnote in Biak Numfor, Papua, Indonesia, are here described. This species is found in mangrove ecosystems and has a similar morphological external character with previously reported which are distributed worldwide from East, South and South-east Asia to Australia. The IUCN redlist category is discussed in this paper.