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Massimo Evangelista

  • Biodiversity Journal, 9 (4): 351-356

    Roberto Toffoli, Giovanni Boano, Anna Bonardi, Massimo Evangelista, Marco Pavia & Fabrizio Silvano
    Contribution to the bats knowledge of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, Loreto, Peru (Mammalia Chiroptera)

    Bats species richness (Mammalia Chiroptera) in Neotropical localities is generally higher than that of any other group of mammals. Surveys of local bat assemblages may provide useful data for conservation management plans. This paper presents bat records based on a chiropterological collection obtained during a preliminary multi-taxa survey (ECOMUSA Project) conducted by the Museo di Storia Naturale di Carmagnola (Torino, Italy) and the Universidad Nacional de la Amazonia Peruana, Iquitos (Loreto, Peru) in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve (PSNR), where information on bats are scarce, with the aim of contributing a preliminary check of the bats listed between the Marañón, Ucayali, and Amazon rivers south of Iquitos. The survey was conducted from March 14 to March 24, 2002, in two sites of the PSNR. 74 bats of 19 species (18 Phyllostomidae, 1 Emballonuridae) were collected. The most collected species was Sturnira lilium, which makes up 28% of the captured bats, followed by Carollia perspicillata. In general, the composition of the bat community detected during this short survey in PSNR corresponds to the typical composition of neotropical rainforests. Despite the short duration of the survey, the collected data contributes to the knowledge of bats in PSNR and in the area between the Marañón, Ucayali, and Amazon rivers south of Iquitos, and represents the first record of Rhynchonycteris naso in this area.