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Nisfa Hanim

  • Biodiversity Journal, 11 (3): 793-797

    Nisfa Hanim, Yusli Wardiatno, Dyah Perwitasari, Ali Suman & Achmad Farajallah
    The first occurrence of Cycloachelous granulatus (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) (Decapoda Portunidae) from Klah Island, Indonesia

    This article reported the first occurrance of Cycloachelous granulatus (H. Milne Edwards, 1834) (Decapoda Portunidae) from Klah Island (close to Sabang Island), Aceh Province. Two specimens were collected in intertidal zone of Klah beach, on June 2018. Our findings contribute to Indonesian Biodiversity Database and could be used as the basis to develop faunal knowledge such as study on taxonomic, biogeographic, evolutionary or conservation.