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Nouar Belgacem
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (3): 0441-0448
Souddi Mohammed, Bendidjelloul-Ghezlaoui-Baha-Eddine & Nouar Belgacem
Floristic diversity and therapeutic proprieties of medicinal plants in the region of Tlemcen (Western Algeria)
This study is devoted to assessing the floristic diversity (systematic, biology, chorology) and therapeutic properties of medicinal plants in the region of Tlemcen (Western Algeria); a survey was conducted over four successive study years (2014–2015–2016–2017) in the study area. The objective of this study was to contribute to the knowledge and description of these plant groups through an inventory of vegetation. The floristic inventory showed us to identify 71 medicinal plants belonging to 34 families; including the dominance of Asteraceae (15.5%) followed by Lamiaceae (11.3%) and Poaceae (8.5%). The biological spectrum of these species is characterized by a high presence of Therophytes (26.8%) followed by Chamaephytes (23.9%). In biogeographical terms, Mediterranean species are the most represented and constitute more than half of the medicinal flora (54.9%). These plants are principally used in order of importance in the treatment of digestive pathologies (15.3%), dermal diseases (13.8%), and diuretics (9.4%). The results obtained are a very valuable source of information for the region studied and for the national medicinal flora. -
Biodiversity Journal, 12 (4): 0847-0853
Tir Elhadj, Haddouche Driss, Nouar Belgacem & Maamar Benchohra
Spatial analysis of the regeneration after fire in forest of Lardjem (Wilaya of Tissemsilt, Algeria)
The present study aims to characterize the changes that have occurred in the Lardjem forest (Wilaya of Tissemsilt, Algeria) after four years of disastrous fire passage in 2012. The methodological approach adopted is essentially based on the analysis and interpretation of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The approach is based on the analysis of satellite data into classes taken before and after the fire (1987–2016) associated with field checks. The results, validated against ground-truth data, show a considerable reduction in the forest class with 81.72% and the maquis class with 48.48%. On the contrary, it has been shown that the area of clear maquis and empty area increased with a rate of 117.11% and 39% respectively. The different mutations between the occupancy classes before and after the fire show that the forest stratum of wild Thuja Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Mast has recovered its appearance with a very low percentage. This recovery is more significant as soon as the conditions are favorable (northern slope, weak slopes and humidity).The parts covered by the tree stratum are transformed into clear maquis, matorrals and empty soils, these classes can reach a more advanced stage if the zone is moved away to repetitive fires in the coming years. Finally, a repopulation of the empty parts associated with a management and protection plan is necessary to safeguard the perinity of this forest. -
Biodiversity Journal, 12 (4): 0805-0810
Benali Abdel Wahab Wahid, Labdelli Fatiha, Maamar Benchohra, Adamou-Djerbaoui Malika & Nouar Belgacem
Strategy efficiency to control Meriones shawi (Duvernoy, 1842) (Rodentia Gerbillinae) infestation in Tiaret region during the period (2015–2020), Algeria
Tiaret is confronted with arvicultural rodents invading considerable areas, despite the control programs adopted. The analysis of the abundance of Meriones shawi (Duvernoy, 1842) (Rodentia Muridae Gerbillinae), despite the application of the rodenticide during the five agricultural campaigns (2015–2020), revealed a growing and considerable infestation, clearly heterogeneous in the spatial distribution across the 14 dairas, with peaks of infestation recorded in the regions of Sougueur and Mahdia. Our analysis focuses on two main aspects, namely the diet of the rodent and the composition of the landscape in which it thrives. We were able to conclude that the populations are more abundant in the dairas of Sougueur and Mahdia having cereal vocation mainly cultivated in barley, which offer to the M. shawi food, security against predators and especially more mobility. On the other hand, the heterogeneous reliefs with a cover plant variety constitute unfavorable environments for the proliferation of rodents, as in the case of Mghila. Therefore, in order to have a more efficientcontrol strategy, the nature of the area should be taken into consideration before applying the rodenticide. -
Biodiversity Journal, 12 (3): 0729-0732
Belgacem Nouar, Benchohra Maamar, Hicham Berrabah, Mohammed Souddi, Okkacha Hasnaoui & Abdelkader Nouar
Diversity and floristic composition of Djebel Nessara region (Tiaret -Algeria)
This work undertaken represents an phytoecological approach of Djebel Nessara vegetation (Tiaret Mountains). The floristic analysis allowed us to release a list of 119 taxa distributed in 96 genera and 35 families. Angiosperms constitute 97.47% (Monocotyledonous 21% and Dicotyledonous 76.47%) while gymnosperms represent only 2.52%. The most represented families are Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae with percentages of 19.3%, 10.9% and 9.2%, respectively. The comparison of the different biological spectra shows the importance of the therophytes to the number of 57 species with 47.9%. On the biogeographical level, we notice the predominance of Mediterranean biogeographical species with 47.1%. Shannon's biodiversity index (H) is 4.28, while Piélou's Equitability (J) is 0.89 and the Simpson's index (1-D) is 0.98. However, the Perturbation index (PI) is in the order of 61.34%. -
Biodiversity Journal, 12 (1): 0129-0138
Nouar Belgacem, Hasnaoui Okkacha, Maamar Benchohra & Tir Elhadj
Inventory, diversity and therapeutic uses of medicinal plants in the Tiaret Mountains (western Algeria)
This study is devoted to the floristic (systematic, biology, chorology) and therapeutic (treated uses and diseases) analysis of medicinal plants in the Tiaret Mountains (western Algeria). The floristic inventory allowed us to identify 108 medicinal plants belonging to 41 families, including the dominance of the Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Fabaceae and Orchidaceae with (15.7%, 7.4%, 5.6%, 5.6%) respectively. Also we identified 3 endemic, 4 rare and 8 protected species. The biological spectrum of these species is characterized by a high presence of the Therophytes (38%) followed by the Phanerophytes (20.4%). In biogeographical terms, Mediterranean biogeographical species are the most represented and make up more than half of the medicinal flora (52.8%). These plants are mainly used in order of importance in the treatment of the digestive tract, cardiovascular and dermal diseases with percentages of 18.6%, 10.7%, 7.5%.
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