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Nuri Vagif Movsumova

  • Biodiversity Journal, 16 (1): 011-020

    Fatmakhanum Khalid Nabiyeva, Aliyar Shahmardan Ibrahimov, Nuri Vagif Movsumova, Gulnara Shirali Shiraliyeva & Ulkar Mahmud Mammadova
    Floristic analysis of Zagatala State Nature Reserve, Azerbaijan

    The present paper provides information on the results of floristic, taxonomic, and bioecological research carried out in the expedition organized to on May 10-16, 2022 in the Zagatala State Nature Reserve and in the surrounding areas (Azerbaijan). During the expedition, 158 species belonging to 56 families and 105 genera of local vegetation were recorded. According to the analysis of life forms, due to the large number of species, trees dominate with 57 species (36.08%), perennials with 63 species (39.87%), and shrubs with 22 species (13.92%). During this research, 19 species included in 18 genera belonging to 15 families included in the Red Book of Azerbaijan were recorded in the territory of the reserve. Species such as Petasites albus, Anemonastrum narcissiflorum, Malva alcea, Ajuga pyramidalis, Morus alba pendula, Arnebia pulchra, etc. which are not given for this area, including the flora of Azerbaijan, were discovered and included in the list. The issue of the reserve is the preservation of water-retaining, soil-protecting and resort-climate important mountain meadows and forests in separate zones of the north-eastern part of the Greater Caucasus, and the effective use of the richness of the area’s vegetation, where research work on international biological problems is carried out.