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Pietro Mazzola

  • Biodiversity Journal, 6 (1): 205-214 - MONOGRAPH

    Emilio Di GristinaFrancesco Maria Raimondo & Pietro Mazzola
    Diversity in the genus Hieracium Linnaeus s. str. (Asteraceae) in Sicily
    Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress “Speciation and Taxonomy”, May 16th-18th 2014, Cefalù-Castelbuono (Italy)

    The present taxonomic and floristic knowledges on Hieracium L. s. str. in Sicily are commented. In total, 11 taxa occur in this island, 10 of which are endemic and 1 has a wider range. For each of these taxa, biological form, phenology, distribution, ecology, chromosome number, conservation, and taxonomy are taken in consideration. A key to the taxa is also provided.

  • Biodiversity Journal, 3 (4): 363-368

    Pietro Mazzola, Rosario Schicchi & Sebastiano Ciccarello
    Geophytes and evolution in the Sicilian Archipelago

    Geophytes occurring in the Sicilian archipelago are examined with respect to their distribution and evolution, and also taking into account correlations with the inner parts of this territory and other regions in the central Mediterranean.