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Salvatore Ventimiglia

  • Biodiversity Journal, 4 (3): 415-418

    Pasquale Micali, Walter Renda & Salvatore Ventimiglia
    New report of Aperiovula juanjosensii Pérez et Gómez, 1987 (Gastropoda Ovulidae) for the Sicilian coast

    One living specimen of Aperiovula juanjosensii Pérez et Gómez, 1987 (Gastropoda Ovulidae) was found in the Strait of Messina (North-East Sicily), at Punta Faro at a depth of about 90 m. The specimen was found in the fishing rest, in a sample rich of Myriapora truncata (Pallas, 1776), but with presence of Paramuricea clavata (Risso, 1826) and Eunicella cavolinii (Esper, 1791). The gorgonian Villogorgia bebrycoides (Koch, 1887), indicated as host in literature, even if should be present in the area, has not been found. A. juanjosensii was described for the area of Canary Islands and Atlantic Marocco and, up to now, only shown for a location of the Italian coast, without additional data.