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Valeriano Spadini
Biodiversity Journal, 9 (4): 345-350
Valeriano Spadini
The genus Crispatotrochus Tenison-Woods, 1878 (Anthozoa Scleractinia) from the Mediterranean Pliocene
A undetermined species of Crispatotrochus Tenison-Woods, 1878 (Anthozoa Scleractinia) from the Early Pliocene of Monte Calcinaio, in Radicofani basin (Italy, Toscana, Siena,) is herein described. This genus is still recorded worldwide, but is unknown in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. This is the first report of this genus from the Mediterranean Pliocene. -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (3): 0431-0435
Valeriano Spadini
The scleractinian fauna of the Pliocene of Estepona basin (southwestern Spain): new findings
Four species of Pliocene scleractinians from the Estepona Basin (Spain) are examined. One species of Caryophyllia Lamarck, 1801 (Caryophyliidae) and one of Dendrophyllia Blainville, 1830 (Dendrophylliidae) from El Lobillo are reported for the first time from this basin and from the Pliocene of the Mediterranean Sea. A species of Phyllangia Milne Edwards et Haime, 1848 (Caryophyliidae) from Arroyo Vaquero, already reported from the Pliocene of Siena (Italy), is also reported for the first time from Estepona basin. Finally, the report of Flabellum vaticani Ponzi, 1876 (Flabellidae) from Valerin Carretera is confirmed. -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (2): 0355-0358
Valeriano Spadini & Francesco Pizzolato
First record of the genus Corallium (Cuvier, 1798) from the Pliocene of Monte Calcinaio (Siena, Italy)
Some fragments of Corallium (Cuvier, 1798) are reported from the Pliocene of Monte Calcinaio (Radicofani, Siena, Italy). This is the first report of a species of this genus from the Pliocene of the Siena-Radicofani basin. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0865-0868
Valeriano Spadini & Francesco Pizzolato
Pliocene Caryophyllia Lamarck, 1801 (Anthozoa Scleractinia) from the Metauro river (Fano, Marches, Italy)
A species of Caryophyllia Lamarck, 1801 (Anthozoa Scleractinia) is studied. It was collected at Bellocchi in the bed of the Metauro River, near the industrial area of Fano (Marches, Italy), where the river has eroded Plio-Pleistocene sediments, about 6 km from its mouth. The fauna collected at the site consisted of a few species of deep-bottom-dwelling molluscs and a single species of scleractinian. The Caryophyllia described has particular features, but until an adequate number of specimens in good condition becomes available, its nomenclature is left open. -
Biodiversity Journal, 12 (4): 0967-0971
Valeriano Spadini
The Asterosmilia Duncan, 1864 (Anthozoa Scleractinia) from El Lobillo (Estepona Basin, Spain)
This work analyses three specimens of scleractinian coral (Anthozoa Scleractinia) recovered from the Pliocene of El Lobillo (Estepona basin, Spain). The specimens are assigned to the genus Asterosmilia Duncan, 1864 due to characters such as paliform lobes and dissepiments. The specimens resemble Asterosmilia marchadi (Chevalier, 1966) or Asterosmilia prolifera (Pourtalés, 1871), currently living in the Atlantic Ocean. -
Biodiversity Journal, 12 (2): 0501-0512
Valeriano Spadini
New contribution to knowledge of Sienese scleractinians
In this new contribution to knowledge of scleractinians from the Pliocene of Siena, some species belonging to genera common in the Pliocene (Caryophyllia, Flabellum, Balanophyllia, Cladopsammia and Dendrophyllia) are described. One species is attributed, albeit dubiously, to a genus not hitherto reported from the Pliocene of the Mediterranean (Anomocora). Some aspects of the variability of other previously described species are also highlighted (Madracis almerai, Bathelia sp., Trochocyathus sp., Stephanocyathus elegans, Desmophyllum sp., Cladopsammia sp. Enallopsammia sp.) (Spadini, 2015). The generic nomenclature of a species of the Caryophylliidae remains open. -
Biodiversity Journal, 11 (4): 0815-0819
Valeriano Spadini
New report of shallow water scleractinians from the Pliocene of Siena
Three species of scleractinians belonging to the genera Hoplangia Gosse, 1860, Phyllangia Milne Edwards et Haime, 1848 and Thalamophyllia Duchassaing, 1870 are reported. For Hoplangia and Thalamophyllia this is the first report from the Mediterranean Pliocene. The threenspecies were linked to hard or detrital bottoms of the infralittoral zone.
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- Biodiversity Journal 2010