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Vittorio Nobile

  • Biodiversity Journal, 4 (4): 565-570

    Vittorio Nobile & Giuseppe Fabrizio Turrisi
    Remarks on the genus Sphecodes Latreille, 1804, pinguiculus Pérez, 1903 species-group (Hymenoptera  Apidae) from Italy: a reply to the article of Schwarz & Gusenleitner (2012)

    The present paper is a reply to the article by Schwarz & Gusenleitner (2012) and deals with the taxonomy of the genus Sphecodes Latreille, 1804, pinguiculus Pérez, 1903 species-group. Particularly, this study, after a critical revision of the morphological characters used to the identification of the species of the genus Sphecodes from Italy, confirms the results of Nobile & Turrisi (2004) and allows the revalidation of all species which they described; therefore are considered valid species the following taxa: S. campadellii Nobile et Turrisi, 2004, S. combai Nobile et Turrisi, 2004, S. banaszaki Nobile et Turrisi, 2004, S. marcellinoi Nobile et Turrisi, 2004, S. walteri Nobile et Turrisi, 2004, S. iosephi Nobile et Turrisi, 2004, S. tomarchioi Nobile et Turrisi, 2004.