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Biodiversity Journal 2023, 14 (2): 273-392
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (2): 0273-0274Giovanni Altadonna
Alicudi Island (Aeolian Archipelago)
https://doi.org/10.31396/Biodiv.Jour.2023.14.2.I.II -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (2): 0275-0291
Paul Serge Mbenoun Massé
An annotated checklist of the Millipedes (Myriapoda Diplopoda) of Cameroon, with several new species and distribution records
An annotated checklist of the Millipedes hitherto documented from Cameroon is provided after 128 years, based both on old and recent records. A total of 106 species in 5 orders, 15 families and 41 genera are known yet from Cameroon. This class of Myriapoda is very rich, with more than 70% of the species being likely to be endemic to the country. Twenty-three new distribution records and 31 new species recently described are also provided. Although the present list is provisional and insufficient, it aims to offer a basis for further studies on Cameroonian millipede fauna. -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (2): 0293-0301
William H. Clark & Peter Hovingh
A new record of the Haematophagic Praobdellidae Leech (Hirudinida) in the Peninsular Ranges of Baja California, México, and a Leech distribution review
A Praobdellidae leech and its palm oasis environment is described from Baja California, Mexico. This leech is tentatively identified as Pintobdella cajali Caballero, 1932 by somite annulation and reproductive tract. Praobdellid records were noted in literature and museum from Baja California Sur and Arizona. Six leech species are noted from the Peninsula Range in southern California (five species) and Baja California (one species), five taxa in the Gila River drainage of Arizona and New Mexico, one species from Sonora, and three species from Sinaloa illustrating the effects of the region’s aridness and/or the paucity of leech surveys in northwestern Mexico. -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (2): 0303-0314
Cesare Brizio
Hidden, Relevant High-Frequency Bioacoustic Features Revealed by Extreme Amplification of Digital 16-bit PCM High-Resolution Field Recordings
Building on the author’s previous usage of amplification above –0dB digital full scale as a tool to improve the comparability of high-resolution (250 kHz sampling frequency) and lower-resolution digital recordings, the effects of extreme amplification (+30 dB Digital Full Scale) on 250 kHz digital recordings are explored, showing how previously unobserved native, relevant song features in the frequency domain may emerge in the inaudible band thanks to the apparently unadvisable process of amplification above zero dB Digital Full Scale. -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (2): 0315-0324
Radoslav Biskupič
“Clavatula” pettkoi n. sp. (Neogastropoda Clavatulidae) from the Badenian (Miocene) deep-water marine clays of the Studienka Formation (Vienna Basin, Central Paratethys)
A fossil shell belonging to the gastropod family Clavatulidae Gray, 1853, previously recognised as Clavatula (Clavatula) neudorfensis (F. Schaffer, 1897), stored in the collections of the Natural History Museum of Slovak National Museum, Bratislava, Slovakia, is revised. The specimen was found in the upper Badenian (middle Miocene) deep-water marine clays of the Studienka Formation exposed in a former clay pit near Devínska Nová Ves, Bratislava, located in the eastern part of the Vienna Basin (Slovakia), which represented the western margin of the Miocene Central Paratethys Sea. As the results suggest, this specimen is not conspecific with Megaclavatula neudorfensis (Schaffer, 1898), also known from this locality and does not agree with any other Neogene Clavatulidae species. The shell bears peculiar morphological features that allow it to describe as a new species, “Clavatula” pettkoi n. sp. The species is provisionally placed in “Clavatula” sensu lato based on conchological characters. -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (2): 0325-0327
Augusto Cattaneo
New considerations on the systematics of the genus Montivipera Nilson, Tuniyev, Andrén, Orlov, Joger et Herrmann, 1999 (Serpentes Viperidae)
Within the genus Montivipera Nilson, Tuniyev, Andrén, Orlov, Joger et Herrmann, 1999 (Serpentes Viperidae), the raddei complex shows deep genetic and morphological differences with respect to the xanthina complex. On this ground, it is proposed to consider it as belonging to the new subgenus Oculocircumcincta. -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (2): 0329-0339
Rahim Zohra, Merouche Abdelkader & Belhacini Fatma
Study on plant parasitic nematodes (Pratylenchoides Winslow, 1958, Ditylenchus Filipjev, 1936 and Longidorus Micoletzky, 1922) infecting durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf., Poales Poaceae) in Beni-Slimane (Algeria)
The study on plant parasitic nematodes (Pratylenchoides Winslow, 1958, Ditylenchus Filipjev, 1936 and Longidorus Micoletzky, 1922) infecting durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) like a waha variety in the pilot farm of Si Achour (Medea) revealed that three taxa of phytoparasite nematodes belong to two orders (Tylenchida and Dorylaimida). The degree of infestation by these parasites varies from plot to plot and within the same plot. Variation in infestation is the result of several factors related to the growing system and environmental conditions. The study was conducted in two fields of durum wheat that have different textures throughout the vegetative cycle. The objective was to study the dynamics and density of nematodes under the influence of a few various physical-chemical factors. Besides, nematodes’ soil and root were extracted respectively by the Cobb (1918) method (so-called “bucket” method) and the Baermann (1917) method that are modified using Coyne et al. (2010). At both experimental sites, 3 species of phytoparasitic nematodes were recorded during the maturation stage. These species include Pratylenchoides sp., Ditylenchus sp., Longidorus sp. and some saprophagous nematodes. Among them, Ditylenchus sp. and saprophagenenes represent the vast majority of individuals found in the soil. Alternatively, durum root nematodes are represented mainly by two species: Pratylenccoides sp. and Ditylenchus sp. -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (2): 0341-0354
Gianfranco Curletti & Uitsiann Ong
Contribution to knowledge of the genus Agrilus Curtis, 1825 of Taiwan. Part 3 (Coleoptera Buprestidae)
In this third additional contribution 11 new entities of the genus Agrilus Curtis, 1825 (Coleoptera Buprestidae) found in Taiwan are described: Agrilus crussetosus n. sp., Agrilus chiachingae n. sp., Agrilus claudioi n. sp., Agrilus pullatus n. sp., Agrilus vicarius n. sp., Agrilus dulishan n. sp., Agrilus bocaki dimidius n. ssp., Agrilus inflammatus n. sp., Agrilus intimus n. sp., Agrilus lijia n. sp., Agrilus linctus n. sp. -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (2): 0355-0358
Valeriano Spadini & Francesco Pizzolato
First record of the genus Corallium (Cuvier, 1798) from the Pliocene of Monte Calcinaio (Siena, Italy)
Some fragments of Corallium (Cuvier, 1798) are reported from the Pliocene of Monte Calcinaio (Radicofani, Siena, Italy). This is the first report of a species of this genus from the Pliocene of the Siena-Radicofani basin. -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (2): 0359-0366
Med Takieddine Iboud, Samira Boukli Hacene & Philippe Ponel
Coleoptera Carabidae Beetles of El-Kala National Park (north-eastern Algeria)
The family Carabidae (Coleoptera) is one of the most diverse among beetles, but they are little studied in Algeria and, in particular, in the territory of El-Kala National Park. Therefore, a census of carabid communities with fortnightly trapping was carried out between 2018 and 2019 with the aim of analysing these populations around Lake Tonga, the first Algerian site to be classified as a Ramsar site and included in the Mediterranean Basin hotspot. These investigations have enabled us to record 1727 specimens belonging to 83 species of Carabidae. Six species are new to the Algerian entomofauna and six others are reported for the first time in North Africa. -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (2): 0367-0372
Nora Sakhraoui, Franz Essl & Azzedine Chefrour
Floral morphology of Oxalis debilis Kunth, 1822 (Oxalidaceae) naturalized in Algeria
This study provides a description of the floral morphology of populations of Oxalis debilis Kunth, 1822 from Algeria. Three floral forms were found: semi-homostylous (dominant), mid-styled (frequent) and short-styled (extremely rare). Two anther colors (yellow and white) were recorded with the dominance of the latter. A few fruits with seeds were observed. We conclude that populations of O. debilis in Algeria are polymorphic with low sexual reproduction success. The species was accidentally introduced into different parts of the country with growing substrates contaminated by bulbs, bulbils and probably also by seeds. -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (2): 0373-0383
Rabah Larba Azzeddine Zeraib & Noureddine Soltani
Assessment of soil metallic contamination in several sites from Northeast Algeria by use of terrestrial gastropod: Cornu aspersum (O.F. Müller, 1774) (Helicidae)
The study aimed to determine concentrations of some trace elements (Fe, Mn, and Pb) in soils of five sites in Northeast Algeria (Sidi Ammar, Drean, Chatt, Besbes, and El-Kala) during the spring and autumn of 2019. All of the sites were chosen due to their proximity to industrial factories. In addition, the activity of glutathione S-transferase (GST) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), indicators of oxidative stress and neurotoxicity respectively, were measured in land snail Cornu aspersum (O.F. Müller, 1774) (Mollusca Gastropoda Helicidae) collected from all studied sites. The concentration of heavy metals in these soils decreases as follows: Fe > Mn > Pb. GST and AChE activities were found to vary between sites and by season. The highest levels of GST activity were registered during the spring at sites closest to potential sources of pollution. AChE values showed inhibition in spring as compared to autumn. In addition, the highest inhibition values were recorded at the Sidi Ammar site. These increased levels of bioindication stress responses correlated significantly with increasing metal concentration in soil samples collected at each site. The differences recorded between the sites studied are related to their level of pollution, while the seasonal variations were due to the effect of heavy metals leaching in autumn. -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (2): 0385-0390
Belkacem Yasmina, Soumani Karima, Belhouchet Nassima & Taouchechet Lahcène
The occurrence of the Chinese Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) (Mollusca Bivalvia Unionidae) in Algerian dams
The Chinese pond mussel, Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea,1834) (Bivalvia Unionidae) is a large freshwater mussel from East Asia. This species lives in ponds and slow flowing rivers and channels. It was introduced in many places on the planet via the introduction of glochidium infested fishes and colonized many catchment basins. Its ecological characteristics make it a competitive and invasive species. The presence of S. woodiana in Algerian continental ecosystems was reported by a lot of fishermen in the many dams: dam of Djorf Etourba (Bechar), Timgad (Batna), dam of Brizena (El Bayadh) and the Beni Harron dam. This work presented some data of species collected in Beni Haroun dam.
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