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Carlo Smriglio
Biodiversity Journal, 9 (4): 325-332
Carlo Smriglio, Paolo Mariottini & Frank Swinnen
Jujubinus browningleeae n. sp. (Gastropoda Trochidae) from the Atlantic Ocean, a new member of the “smooth” Jujubinus Monterosato, 1884 complex
A new species of the gastropod family Trochidae Rafinesque, 1815, Jujubinus browningleeae n. sp., based on morphological characters of the shell, is here described. The new taxon is actually known only from the Gorringe Bank, located off Cape St. Vincent (Portugal, North-Eastern Atlantic). The new taxon is compared with members of the J. curinii species complex, which are morphologically the most similar congeners. -
Biodiversity Journal, 8 (4): 943-946
Carlo Smriglio, Paolo Mariottini & Massimo Appolloni
First record of fossil Jujubinus curinii Bogi et Campani, 2006 (Gastropoda Trochidae) in north-eastern Sicily (Italy)ABSTRACT
The discovery of a fossil specimen of Jujubinus curinii Bogi et Campani, 2006 (Gastropoda Trochidae) is reported from the geologic stage of “Milazziano” (Tyrrhenian, Pleistocene) located at Capo Milazzo, North-Eastern Sicily. The specimen has been found during a study on the Jujubinus Monterosato, 1884 material stored in the Monterosato’s collection at the Museo Civico di Zoologia of Rome, Italy. -
Biodiversity Journal, 7 (1): 059-066 - MONOGRAPH
Carlo Smriglio, Paolo Mariottini & Salvatore Giacobbe
Jujubinus errinae n. sp. (Gastropoda Trochidae) from the Strait of Messina, Mediterranean SeaABSTRACT
A new species of the gastropod family Trochidae, Jujubinus errinae n. sp., from the Mediterranean Sea is described based on shell characters. The new taxon was compared with the most closely related species showing marked sculpture and from relatively deep water habitat, J. catenatus Ardovini, 2006, J. montagui (Wood, 1828) and J. tumidulus (Aradas, 1846). The species, which is known from the type locality only, the Strait of Messina, might be strictly associated to the endemic hydrocoral Errina aspera (Linnaeus, 1767) beds (Hydrozoa Stylasteridae). -
Biodiversity Journal, 6 (1): 441-448 - MONOGRAPH
Carlo Smriglio, Paolo Mariottini & Andrea Di Giulio
Description of a new species of the genus Trophonopsis Bucquoy et Dautzenberg, 1882 (Gastropoda Muricidae Pagodulinae) from the Mediterranean Sea
Proceedings of the Eighth Malacological Pontine Meeting, October 4th-5th, 2014 - San Felice Circeo, ItalyABSTRACT
Based on shell characters, a new species of the gastropod family Muricidae, Trophonopsis sparacioi n. sp., from Mediterranean Sea is described. Shells of the new taxon were collected from bathyal bottoms, in the Tyrrhenian Sea. The new taxon is compared with others species of the genus Trophonopsis Bucquoy et Dautzenberg, 1882, occurring in northeastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. -
Biodiversity Journal, 6 (1): 431-440 - MONOGRAPH
Paolo Mariottini, Andrea Di Giulio, Carlo Smriglio & Marco Oliverio
Additional notes on the systematics and new records of East Atlantic species of the genus Sorgenfreispira Moroni, 1979 (Gastropoda Mangeliidae)
Proceedings of the Eighth Malacological Pontine Meeting, October 4th-5th, 2014 - San Felice Circeo, ItalyABSTRACT
The Recent species currently ascribed to the Bela brachystoma-complex, Gastropoda Mangeliidae, (i.e.: Bela brachystoma (Philippi, 1844); Bela africana Ardovini, 2004; Bela ardovinii Mariottini et Oliverio, 2008; Bela exilis (Ardovini, 2004) should better be allocated in the genus Sorgenfreispira Moroni, 1979. Based on numerous samples, the distribution of the Recent species is summarised. Sorgenfreispira brachystoma (Philippi, 1844) comb. nov. ranges from Scandinavia to southern Morocco. Sorgenfreispira africana (Ardovini, 2004) comb. nov. is first recorded from Western Sahara, Ivory Coast, Angola and Ghana; Sorgenfreispira ardovinii (Mariottini et Oliverio, 2008) comb. nov. is first recorded from Ivory Coast; S. exilis (Ardovini, 2004) comb. nov. is first recorded from Mauritania, Western Sahara, Ivory Coast, Angola. Based on the study of the type material, Bela brachystoma apicalis Nordsieck, 1977, was actually based on specimens of B. taprurensis Pallary, 1904. Bela taprurensis is here first recorded from Libya. -
Biodiversity Journal, 5 (2): 209-212
Pasquale Micali, Italo Nofroni & Carlo Smriglio
Odostomia crassa Jeffreys, 1884 junior synonym of Tibersyrnola unifasciata (Forbes, 1844), new combination (Gastropoda Heterobranchia, Pyramidellidae)ABSTRACT
Following the comparison with photos of type material of Odostomia crassa Jeffreys, 1884, (Gastropoda Pyramidellidae) deposited at the British Museum of Natural History, and further observations on specimens from whole Mediterranean, O. crassa is proved to be junior synonym of Eulimella unifasciata (Forbes, 1844). The latter is here placed in genus Tibersyrnola Laws, 1937 on the basis of the constant presence of flutings inside the whorls. -
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 343-354
Paolo Mariottini, Andrea Di Giulio, Massimo Appolloni & Carlo Smriglio
Phenotypic diversity, taxonomic remarks and updated distribution of the Mediterranean Jujubinus baudoni (Monterosato, 1891) (Gastropoda Trochidae)ABSTRACT
Jujubinus baudoni (Monterosato, 1891) shows highly diverse chromatic and morphological patterns. Based on the examination of the type material and series of specimens from private collections, and of recent findings from Sardinia, we reviewed and updated the distribution of this species, and figured the three representative shell colour morphs which are constant in local populations. A comparative SEM analysis did not outline significant differences among shells with greatly different colour patterns, thus justifying their belonging to a single specific entity. The survey of the material of J. baudoni did not show a strict correspondence between Corse and Sardinian shell colour morphs and their geographical distribution, not allowing to clearly state trends and relationships among island populations. On the contrary the colour pattern of the continental shells of J. baudoni seems to be constant and different from the ones of the island shells, indicating a well separated colour morph. This study confirmed that the distribution of J. baudoni is limited to the north-western Mediterranean Sea, with its eastern range widened to the La Maddalena Archipelago (Sardinia). The record of this species from Azores is due to a misidentification with J. pseudogravinae Nordsieck, 1973, which is also figured for comparison. A lectotype and paralectotypes of Trochus baudoni are herein designated. -
Biodiversity Journal, 15 (4): 927-933
Carlo Smriglio, Jakov Prkić & Paolo Mariottini
Rare Atlantic Epitoniidae S.S. Berry, 1910 (1812) (Gastropoda) from the Mediterranean Sea with notes of their biocoenosis
Three rare species of Epitoniidae S.S. Berry, 1910 (1812) (Gastropoda) with a predominant Atlantic distribution are reported from the Mediterranean Sea: Epitonium nanum (Jeffreys, 1884), collected from the coralligenous bottoms of the Alboran Sea; Claviscala richardi (Dautzenberg et de Boury, 1897) dredged on a white coral biocoenosis located off the coast of Lazio, Central Tyrrhenian Sea; Cylindriscala mirifica (P. Fischer, 1886) from the bathyal water off Dubrovnik, Croatia, Southern Adriatic Sea. Updated data on the distribution of these epitoniids are provided together with the description of their biocoenosis. -
Biodiversity Journal, 15 (1): 071-078
Massimo Appolloni & Carlo Smriglio
A new species of Babelomurex Coen, 1922 (Gastropoda Muricidae) for the Italian Pliocene: Babelomurex brugnonei n. sp.
A new fossil species of Coralliophilinae Chenu, 1859 (Gastropoda Muricidae), in the genus Babelomurex Coen, 1922, is here described and illustrated as Babelomurex brugnonei n. sp., found in Altavilla Milicia, Sicilian locality known for the Pliocene-Pleistocene siliciclastic succession exposed in this geographical area. The new species is compared with Latiaxis janianus (Cocconi, 1873) and Latiaxis dellabellai Brunetti, 2004, the other two morphologically close fossil species reported in the Pliocene of the Mediterranean Basin. A taxonomic update is suggested for these fossil species of Coralliophilinae, all belonging to the genus Babelomurex. -
Biodiversity Journal, 14 (4): 0707-0711
Carlo Smriglio, Paolo Mariottini & Marco Oliverio
Report of Coralliophila guancha Smriglio, Mariottini et Engl, 2003 in the Mediterranean Sea (Gastropoda Muricidae)
With this note the status and distribution of Coralliophila guancha Smriglio, Mariottini et Engl, 2003 (Gastropoda Muricidae) are assessed, based on published and unpublished records. The range of the species is extended to the Mediterranean Sea, where it had previously been recorded as a distinct species, Coralliophila ahuiri Cossignani, 2009, which is here regarded as a synonym. -
Biodiversity Journal, 12 (2): 0483-0492
Maurizio Forli & Carlo Smriglio
A new species of Tonnoidea Suter, 1813 (Gastropoda Bursidae) for the Italian Pliocene: Bursa transeuntis n. sp.
The recent revision for the species of the complex of Bursa scrobilator (Linnaeus, 1758) for the Atlanto-Mediterranean area recognized the existence of three morphologically distinct taxa: two recent, Bursa scrobilator scrobilator (Linnaeus, 1758) and Bursa scrobilator coriacea (Reeve, 1844) currently considered subspecies, and the fossil and extinct Bursa nodosa (Borson, 1825). Recently, the phylogenetic relationships of bursid gastropods has been reconstructed and the generic name Talisman de Folin, 1887, based on a larval shell of “Bursa” scrobilator scrobilator, has been resurrected. Consequently, the two subspecies are now named as Talisman scrobilator scrobilator and Talisman scrobilator coriacea. During the check of the Italian fossil specimens of the T. scrobilator complex, in addition to the specimens of the well-known B. nodosa, has been separated a second fossil and extinct species that despite careful research, could not be identified with the fossil species currently known for Italian paleontological deposits: this is here described with the name of Bursa transeuntis n. sp. The morphological relationships of B. transeuntis n. sp., B. nodosa and related taxa are also discussed. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 359-364
Carlo Smriglio, Paolo Mariottini & Frank Swinnen
Jujubinus silbogomerus n. sp. (Gastropoda Trochidae) from the Canary Islands, Atlantic Ocean
Based on shell characters, a new species of the gastropod family Trochidae, Jujubinus silbogomerus n. sp., is described from the Atlantic Ocean. The new taxon is known from the type locality only, the Canary Islands. It was compared with the most closely related species of this geographical area as well as with the Atlantic and Mediterranean Jujubinus Monterosato, 1884 showing marked sculpture. The peculiar morphology of the teleoconch microsculpture and sculpture of this new taxon allows an easy identification.
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