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Fabio Liberto

  • Biodiversity Journal, 8 (1): 211-238 - MONOGRAPH

    Fabio Liberto, Mauro GranoCristina Cattaneo & Salvo Giglio
    Land mollusks of Chalki and Alimia (Dodecanese Archipelago, Greece)

    A check list of land snails of the island of Chalki and the nearby islet of Alimia (South Aegean Greece, Dodecanese Archipelago) is given. The literature concerning the non-marine mollusks living on the two islands is critically reviewed. New data on morphology of some snails species are presented, with particular account to the genus Rhabdoena Kobelt et Mollendorff, 1902, Zebrina Held, 1838 and Albinaria Vest, 1864.

  • Biodiversity Journal, 1: 007-014

    Maria Stella Colomba, Armando Gregorini, Fabio Liberto, Agatino Reitano, Salvatore Giglio & Ignazio Sparacio
    Molecular analysis of Muticaria syracusana and M. neuteboomi from Southeastern Sicily, Italy (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae)

    The genus Muticaria Lindholm, 1925, is currently distributed either in Southeastern Sicily or in the Maltese islands and comprises the species M. syracusana (Philippi, 1836), M. neuteboomi Beckmann, 1990 and M. macrostoma (Cantraine, 1835). For the first time, we report a molecular study on the topotypicous populations of M. syracusana and M. neuteboomi carried out on fragments of the ribosomal 16S rDNA subunit and the cytochrome oxydase I (COI) mitochondrial genes by Neighbour Joining, Maximum Likelihood, Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian Inference algorithms. Our results revealed the existence of nucleotide-sequence divergence (Dxy: 5% for 16S rDNA and 12% for COI sequences) between the two taxa.

  • Biodiversity Journal, 15 (2): 327-346 - MONOGRAPH

    Ignazio Sparacio, Fabio Liberto, Najla Abushaala, Maria Tavano & Roberto Poggi
    An annotated type catalogue of the land and freshwater mollusks from Tunisia and Libya in the Natural History Museum “Giacomo Doria” of Genova (Italy)

    In the present work are listed the type specimens of land and freshwater molluscs from Tunisia and Libya deposited in the Natural History Museum “Giacomo Doria” of Genova (Italy). The historical nucleus of the malacological collections of the Museum of Genova is made up of the material collected by the young Giacomo Doria. After the official creation of the Museum in 1867, the malacological collection increased considerably in number of species and importance also through the material collected in various scientific missions organized by the Museum around the world. After 1916, the director Raffaello Gestro reorganized all this material and began the cataloging and selection of the type species. Nineteen nominal species described by Arturo Issel, Laura Gambetta, Jole Bisacchi and Rolf Arthur Max Brandt have been traced in these malacological collections. The type series described (types and syntypes) but also the material coming from the description localities and collected by the author himself (sometimes referred to as “topotypes”) were examined. For each taxa, the collection data obtained from the labels, the current taxonomic classification, the photographic documentation, remarks and the malacological bibliography are provided.