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Biodiversity Journal 2013, 4 (2): 261-384
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 261-262
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 263-268
David P. Cilia
Description of a new species of Amphidromus Albers, 1850 from Sumba, Indonesia (Gastropoda Pulmonata Camaenidae)ABSTRACT
The camaenid Amphidromus (Syndromus) iunior n. sp. from an isolated forest in the east of Sumba island in the Indonesian archipelago is described. Its closest named relative is Amphidromus (Syndromus) abbasi Chan et Tan, 2010, and some conchological features are common for both species. However, the new species is smaller, with consistent differences in shell thickness, pattern and pigmentation. -
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 269-274
Lyamine Mezedjri, Ahmed Kerfouf & Ali Tahar
Reproductive cycle of the European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Clupeiformes Engraulidae) in the gulf of Skikda (Algerian East coasts)ABSTRACT
A study on the sexual cycle of the European anchovy, the pelagic fish Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Clupeiformes Engraulidae), was carried out in Algerian East coasts over a year (July 2008-June 2009). Annual sex-ratio (SR) showed that females dominate with an average male sex-ratio of 39.35%. The European anchovy spawning period ranges from April to October with peaks in the warmest months, strictly dependent on temperature. The gonado-somatic index was updated monthly which allowed us to divide the entire cycle into four successive phases: (i) a phase of slow maturation which occurs between the end of winter and the beginning of spring; (ii) a phase of significant sexual activity; (iii) a phase of emission of the sexual products which corresponds to the warmest months; and, finally, (iv) a phase of sexual rest occurring in the coldest months. Monthly variation of either hepato-somatic index or mesenteric fat reserves informed us about the origin of the energetic deposits, particularly important for the development of the gonads. In both sexes, the first sexual maturity is reached at a fish total length (Lt) of 12.5 cm. -
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 275-280
Jorge M. González, Roberto Vinciguerra & Sergio D. Ríos
Amauta hodeei (Oberthür, 1881) and its subspecies (Lepidoptera Castniidae), with comments on the life and times of Brother Apolinar MaríaABSTRACT
In 1948, a fired destroyed the La Salle Museum in Bogota, Colombia, which was built with a great effort by the La Salle religious teaching congregation, but with the particular and decisive input of Brother Apolinar María. He became a champion of the study of the natural history of Colombia and through the museum, he established numerous connections with scientists and naturalists worldwide. Some rare Castniidae were among the numerous specimens of the fauna he traded with museums around the world. General information about Brother Apolinar María, the La Salle Museum, and the subspecies of Amauta hodeei (Castniidae) are provided here in an attempt to improve and stimulate the interest in such a remarkable naturalist and some rare and almost unknown species of the South American Fauna. One of these ssp. (A. hodeei kruegeri) is reported from Ecuador, thus increasing knowledge about its geographical distribution. -
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 281-284
Joachim Langeneck & Davide Di Franco
Further records of two uncommon Crustaceans in Italian seas: Maja goltziana D'Oliveira, 1888 (Decapoda Brachyura Majidae) and Xaiva biguttata (Risso, 1816) (Decapoda Brachyura Portunidae)ABSTRACT
The presence of Maja goltziana D'Oliveira, 1888 (Decapoda Brachyura Majidae) is confirmed in the central Tyrrhenian Sea and in the Tuscan archipelago. Xaiva biguttata (Risso, 1816) (Decapoda Brachyura Portunidae) is first recorded from the Western Sardinian coast and the Eastern Sicilian coast. The presence and spread of M. goltziana are considered a consequence of climatic changes. The presence of X. biguttata in Italian seas was probably underestimated, and its supposed rarity should be reassessed. -
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 285-300
Vinh Quang Luu, Truong Quang Nguyen, Cuong The Pham, Kien Ngoc Dang, Thanh Ngoc Vu, Sladjana Miskovic, Michael Bonkowski & Thomas Ziegler
No end in sight? Further new records of amphibians and reptiles from Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park, Quang Binh Province, VietnamABSTRACT
We report 11 new records of amphibian and reptile species and subspecies on the basis of newly collected specimens from the UNESCO World Heritage Site Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park, Quang Binh Province, Vietnam: Ingerophrynus macrotis, Limnonectes gyldenstolpei, Babina chapaensis, Theloderma corticale, T. stellatum, Scincella rufocaudata, Oligodon cinereus pallidocinctus, Parahelicops annamensis, Rhynchophis boulengeri, Sinomicrurus macclellandii and Protobothrops mucrosquamatus. The record of T. corticale from Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park is the southernmost record generally known, that of T. stellatum the northernmost record within Vietnam, and, most remarkably, the finding of Limnonectes gyldenstolpei represents the first country record for Vietnam. In addition, we report the second known specimen and the first adult male of Sphenomorphus tetradactylus, a species recently described based on a single female only. At time, 151 species of amphibians and reptiles are known from Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park, including 50 species of amphibians, 12 species of turtles, 31 species of lizards, and 58 species of snakes. In addition, an updated list of the local herpetofauna is provided, including recent taxonomic or nomenclatural changes. -
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 301-326
Liza Nemes, Randall Babb, Wayne Van Devender, Khoi Vu Nguyen, Quyet Khac Le, Thanh Ngoc Vu, Anna Rauhaus, Truong Quang Nguyen & Thomas Ziegler
First contribution to the reptile fauna of Quang Ngai Province, central VietnamABSTRACT
Based on recent field surveys, we provide a first preliminary list of reptiles from Quang Ngai Province, central Vietnam, comprising 35 recorded species, including 16 species of lizards (Agamidae: 6, Gekkonidae: 2, Lacertidae: 1, Scincidae: 6, Anguidae: 1), 18 species of snakes (Xenodermatidae: 1, Colubridae: 14, Viperidae: 3), and 1 species of turtle (Geoemydidae: 1). The taxonomic status of Fimbrios cf. klossi from Quang Ngai needs further examination. -
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 327-334
Kirsty E. Graham, Megan J. Bulloch & Todd R. Lewis
Foraging behaviour of three primate species in a Costa Rican coastal lowland tropical wet forestABSTRACT
Primates are predominantly distributed across tropical regions, many of which are threatened by deforestation. Removal of mature trees can harm primate populations by reducing available food resources. Understanding the dietary requirements of primates at local levels can help identify key habitats to conserve, and protect plant species on which primates rely. Little is known about local diets of Alouatta palliata (mantled howler monkey), Ateles geoffroyi (black-handed spider monkey), and Cebus capucinus (white-faced capuchin) in Costa Rica's lowland tropical wet forests. Because diet and activity levels are closely connected, studies examining one provide insight into the other. We used group scan sample methods to record activity and diet, identifying all plant species on which the primates fed. We identified nine families of plants eaten by Ateles geoffroyi, four families eaten by Alouatta palliata, and two families eaten by Cebus capucinus. Activity budgets demonstrated that Alouatta palliata was the least active species and Cebus capucinus the most active. We also found differences in the type of plant parts consumed by the three primate species; Alouatta palliata and Ateles geoffroyi fed mostly on fruit and new leaves, whereas Cebus capucinus fed on fruit and insects. The nine families of plants identified in this study are potentially important for all three primate species locally, and warrant conservation. -
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 335-342
Alberto Bernués-Bañeres & Ricardo Jiménez-Peydró
Diversity of mosquitoes (Diptera Culicidae) in protected natural parks from Valencian Autonomous Region (Eastern Spain)ABSTRACT
Several larval samplings of mosquitoes (Diptera Culicidae) were carried out between 2008-2011, throughout very diverse larval biotopes located in thirteen protected natural parks from Eastern Spain, offering new information about the faunistic diversity of mosquitoes in these protected areas. Biodiversity was analyzed in terms of alpha, beta and gamma components, with the aim of comparing mosquito diversity according to the typology of the natural parks under study. A total of 15355 specimens belonging to 25 different mosquito species and 6 genera were collected and identified. Diversity analysis indicated higher diversity for Inland Mountainous Areas (IMAs) with a low degree of interspecific dominance in these communities, while Coastal Wetlands and Marshes registered the lowest observed diversity and a high degree of interespecific dominance. The cluster analysis revealed the relationship between the categories (IMA, CMA, CWM), while the Principal Components Analysis proved the relationship between larval abundance and the categories studied. -
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 343-354
Paolo Mariottini, Andrea Di Giulio, Massimo Appolloni & Carlo Smriglio
Phenotypic diversity, taxonomic remarks and updated distribution of the Mediterranean Jujubinus baudoni (Monterosato, 1891) (Gastropoda Trochidae)ABSTRACT
Jujubinus baudoni (Monterosato, 1891) shows highly diverse chromatic and morphological patterns. Based on the examination of the type material and series of specimens from private collections, and of recent findings from Sardinia, we reviewed and updated the distribution of this species, and figured the three representative shell colour morphs which are constant in local populations. A comparative SEM analysis did not outline significant differences among shells with greatly different colour patterns, thus justifying their belonging to a single specific entity. The survey of the material of J. baudoni did not show a strict correspondence between Corse and Sardinian shell colour morphs and their geographical distribution, not allowing to clearly state trends and relationships among island populations. On the contrary the colour pattern of the continental shells of J. baudoni seems to be constant and different from the ones of the island shells, indicating a well separated colour morph. This study confirmed that the distribution of J. baudoni is limited to the north-western Mediterranean Sea, with its eastern range widened to the La Maddalena Archipelago (Sardinia). The record of this species from Azores is due to a misidentification with J. pseudogravinae Nordsieck, 1973, which is also figured for comparison. A lectotype and paralectotypes of Trochus baudoni are herein designated. -
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 355-358
Salvatore Canu & Lars Friman
New and poorly-known harvestmen (Opiliones) from Sardinia (Italy). Part I: Lacinius horridus (Panzer, 1794), new to Sardinia (Phalangiidae Oligolophinae)ABSTRACT
The first occurrence of Lacinius horridus (Panzer, 1794) (Phalangiidae Oligolophinae) on Sardinia is decribed and the general biogeographical distribution of Opiliones in Italy is discussed. -
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 359-364
Salvatore Giacobbe & Sergio De Matteo
The potentially invasive opisthobranch Polycera hedgpethi Er. Marcus, 1964 (Gastropoda Nudibranchia), introduced in a Mediterranean coastal lagoonABSTRACT
The non-native opisthobranch Polycera hedgpethi Er. Marcus, 1964 is reported from the coastal lagoon of Capo Peloro (Central Mediterranean Sea) with notes on its habitat typology and feeding behavior. The recently published opinion that P. hedgpethi established in the Mediterranean Sea is disputed, since records of adult specimens and egg laying were not accompanied by the presence of juveniles and/or larvae. Mussels imported from Atlantic and North-Adriatic lagoons are hypothesized to be the source of incoming populations in the Peloro Lagoon. -
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 365-378
Giovanni Repetto & Erica Bicchi
Fossil starfishes (Echinodermata Asteriidae) and paleontological analysis of the Pliocene of Cherasco, Piedmont region (NW Italy)ABSTRACT
The remarkable discovery of two fossil starfishes in the Pliocene clay of Cherasco (NW Italy), allowed to analyze in detail the sediment and paleontological material associated (malacofauna and foraminifers assemblages), aiming at reconstructing paleoenvironmental conditions in which these organisms lived. Furthermore biostratigraphic analysis based on planktonic foraminiferal assemblages, allowed the recognition of the MPl2 biozone of lower Pliocene. -
Biodiversity Journal, 4 (2): 379-382
Alberto Ballerio
A remarkable new flightless Madrasostes Paulian, 1975 from Vietnam (Coleoptera Scarabaeoidea Hybosoridae Ceratocanthinae)ABSTRACT
Madrasostes bartolozzii n. sp. is described from Vietnam (Ba Be National Park) on the basis of two females. Some remarks on this unusual flightless species are provided. Distinguishing characters between Madrasostes Paulian, 1975 and Besuchestostes Paulian, 1972 are briefly discussed.
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