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Biodiversity Journal 2022, 13 (1): 1-294
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0001-0002Walter Renda
The genus Chilostoma Fitzinger, 1833 (Gastropoda Helicidae Ariantinae)
https://doi.org/10.31396/Biodiv.Jour.2022.13.1.I.II -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0003-0017
Hai Ngoc Ngo, Tan Van Nguyen, Tien Quang Phan, Truong Quang Nguyen & Thomas Ziegler
The herpetofauna of Hon Khoai Island, Ca Mau Province, Vietnam
We provide the first checklist of the herpetofauna from Hon Khoai Island, Ca Mau Province, southern Vietnam, comprising two species of amphibians, eleven species of lizards, and six species of snakes. The herpetofauna of Hon Khoai Island harbors a high level of conservation concern with one species endemic to Vietnam, two species listed on appendices I and II of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), one globally endangered species listed in the IUCN Red List and three nationally threatened species listed in the Vietnam Red Data Book and two in the Governmental Decree. This study not only fills a gap in the biodiversity knowledge of Hon Khoai Island but also underlines the urgent need of conservation measures for the herpetofauna, in particular for the endangered endemic Psychedelic Rock Gecko (Cnemaspis psychedelica). -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0019-0024
Ghalem Sarra, Hassani Faiçal, Bouayad Ibtissam Sarah & Abdeli Imane
Geographical, cartographic aspect and the location of Malva subovata (DC.) Molero & J.M. Monts. (Malvales Malvaceae) in the North West of Algeria
Malva subovata (DC.) Molero & J.M. Monts. (= Lavatera maritima) (Malvales Malvaceae) is considered a plant resistant to ecological stress and also to human action. The objectives of the present study were to characterize the biogeography and localization of M. subovata. The maps which have been drawn up show us the different formations inventoried and which are dominated by lawns with perennial and annual species and which are due to the degradation of the tree formations. The map we produced shows that our species is located in six large regions and it allowed us to have a global idea of its current distribution. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0025-0035
Fatima Bendiouis, Rédda Aboura, Mustapha Ainad Tabet & Fatiha Barka
Characterization of the biodiversity of ornamental flora in the urban perimeter of the city of Tlemcen (Northwest of Algeria)
The objective of this study was to analyze and characterize the biodiversity of the ornamental flora in the urban perimeter of the region of Tlemcen (Northwest of Algeria) in the two public gardens chosen in the city of Tlemcen. By considering in this approach the various statistical indices of plant biodiversity that will allow us a better knowledge of the ecological potential of the environment to shelter a wide range of taxa adapted to the ecological conditions of the biotope considered. The results obtained showed a large number of species from a floristic richness point of view, including 86 ornamental species recorded in the 1er Juin garden (Grand Bassin) and 24 in the Boujlida garden. The biogeographical origin of the inventoried species at the level of the study stations revealed a considerable number of species of the non-Mediterranean type compared to the Mediterraneanone. The calculation of the different diversity indices confirms different outstanding representatives of the plant species within their taxonomic families. The Shannon index was the values obtained of 5.24 in the garden of 1er Juin compared to those of Boujlida with 3.72, which determined more interesting representativeness of the abundance of the species counted within their respective families in the first garden by contribution to the second. The Simpson index makes it possible to note greater representativeness of all the species within the Boujlida garden with a percentage of 50% compared to that of 1er Juin, which was only of the order of 30%. Finally, we can conclude that these two gardens offer an opportunity to develop the ornamental flora of the city of Tlemcen while trying to promote the introduction of native species for sustainable preservation to ensure the sustainability of these taxa. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0037-0054
Ronaldo Bastos Francini, Renato Rogner Ramos, Ednaldo Ferreira da Silva-Filho & Mirella Baldacconi Gondeck
Temporal dynamics of ther butterfly Heliconiinae assemblage in a typical ruderal environment in Southeastern Brazil
This study aimed to verify the response of the Heliconiinae assemblage and of the flowering plants used as food resources for these butterflies to climate and weather conditions during 2019 along a dirt road in the Atlantic Forest. Many parts of the dirt roadside are occupied by anthropogenic ruderal vegetation. Climate conditions in that period were very different to climate normals mainly in respect to rainfall, spring 2019 being wetter and autumn drier. Flowers of at least 33 plant species were used by Heliconiinae butterflies during the study with six species being flowering in all seasons. In autumn (April to June) all 16 Heliconiinae species were on the fly. Flowering was affected by the accumulated rainfall and photoperiod availability of the previous three months. Acraeini species were less sensitive to bad weather conditions than Heliconiini. Heliconiinae species responded negatively to photoperiod. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0055-0064
Amin Chaffai, Somia Hamil, Ismahane Adaouri, Siham Arab, Abdenour Moussouni & Abdeslem Arab
Factors determining phytoplankton community growth and succession in the water’s surface of Mediterranean reservoir
In order to highlight the relationship between phytoplankton community and environmental variables under the Mediterranean climate, the algae community succession was investigated for the first time in the Hamiz reservoir (Algeria) from the point of view of several environmental controlling factors including: nutrient, water temperature, conductivity, turbidity and transparency. Samples of water were collected monthly over a year and analyzed for nutrient content and phytoplankton density. The total abundance of phytoplankton were particularly marked by two peaks, both of them occur in summer. The most diverse group was Bacillariophyta (38.29%), Chlorophyta (25.35%), and Euglenophyta (19.14%), among which Bacillariophyta and Chlorophyta were the frequently dominated group all over the study. The first two axes of Redundancy analysis (RDA) explained 82.34% of the correlation between phytoplankton group and environmental factors. Water temperature, transparency, nitrate, ammonium and total hardness represent the most significant environmental factors influencing phytoplankton communities structure including the presence of different preferences for environmental factors by algae group. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0065-0071
Michel R. Claereboudt & Khalfan M. Alrashdi
Echinoderm Diversity in the Arabian Sea and the Sea of Oman
An extensive survey of most of the habitats of the coast of the Sultanate of Oman revealed an echinoderm biodiversity larger than anticipated. Survey dives were carried out in 5 regions of the Sultanate (Musandam, Capital area, Sur-Qalhat, Masirah and Dhofar) and all non-ophiuroid echinoderms were recorded. A total of 21 species of Holothuroids, 20 species of Echinoids, 6 Crinoids and 28 species of Asteroids were observed during the survey. The holothuroid Holothuria nobilis was observed for the first time north of the Red Sea and Holothuria arenacava, a burying sea cucumber, was observed near Muscat, the only other known population being from Kenya. In addition, the starfish Ferdina sadhensis was photographed life for the first time. Several specimens (2 holothuroids, 2 asteroids 3 crinoids and 1 echinoid), some quite abundant, could not be attributed to known species. We observed a significant shift in echinoderm community structure at Ras-Al-Hadd as a result of either major shift in environmental forcing factors or as a result of limited dispersal of species across this “bio-geographic barrier”. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0073-0078
Pynshailang Syiemiong, Shiva Shankar Chaturvedi, Thomas Arbenz & Tudor Tămaş
A note on Sapria himalayana Griff. (Rafflesiaceae) from Jaintia Hills (Meghalaya, India)
A total of 19 flowers belonging to the genus Sapria Griff. (Rafflesiaceae) were discovered in a small forest tract on the Songket Hill, near the village of Tangnub, Meghalaya, India. The flowers, colored deep red with yellow warts, grew individually or in groups of three to five. They were in different stages of development even when growing on the same host plant. Further taxonomical determinations on a male specimen have shown that the flowers belong to Sapria himalayana Griff., a rare and endangered species included in the Red Data Book of the Botanical Survey of India. The population size of S. himalayana on the Songket Hill is small and may be affected by human activity. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0079-0106
Franck Boyer
About the mitromorphid species group Anarithma lachryma (Reeve, 1845) (Conoidea Mitromorpha) at reef levels of Balicasag Island (Central Philippines)
Mitra lachryma (Reeve, 1845) (Conoidea Mitromorpha) is restored as type species of the genus Anarithma Iredale, 1916, and a series of eleven species ranging in Balicasag (Central Philippines) is proposed to belong to a restricted A. lachryma species group, composed of both planktotrophic and lecithotrophic species, all kind of intergrading situations being reported. Two new species are described in this species group, as A. bulbosa n. sp. and A. melvilli n. sp. The protoconch morphologies examined in the Anarithma complex are considered to reflect high plasticity and to support the hypothesis of a continuum in larval strategies, which contradicts binary taxonomies based on planktotrophic versus lecithotrophic protoconchs. The chromatic features of the teleoconch are considered to be more heritable and playing as better clue of the phyletic distances occurring in this group. Both competitors groups within the Anarithma complex and specific transitions to other mitromorphid genera are discussed. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0107-0114
Maryia Tsiareshyna, Đorđe Marković & Matija Petković
Snapshot on Cave Microinvertebrates Assemblages along the Environmental Gradient of the Balkan Region
Caves are considered stable and unique environments, which are characterized by a permanent lack of light. The most characteristic feature of organisms inhabiting caves are adaptations to the subterranean environments, which are visible in an increasing morphological and physiological specialization. The distribution patterns of cave fauna are a consequence of repeated, independent invasions, isolation and adaptation to the cave environment. The main aim of our study was comparison of faunal assemblages along environmental gradient from forest, through entrance to the deep cave. Three caves in Serbia were selected for this study. The main factor influencing the extraordinary variety of the troglobiotic fauna of this region include continuity of continental phases in different areas of the Balkans and the lithology of karst. Each of the sampling sites was divided into three zones along environmental gradient: photic, disphotic and aphotic. Six freshwater (sediments) and 17 terrestrial (mosses, mixed soil/mosses) samples were collected. In the samples, we found representatives of Acari, Collembola, Copepoda, Insecta, Isopoda, Oligochaeta, Nematoda, Tardigrada and Rotifera. The highest number of taxa was in material collected from forest surrounding entrance to the cave. However, higher diversity index was found in the dark cave zone. Therefore, highest taxa richness of cave entrance suggest that the cave entrance corresponds to the ecotone. Microfauna assembladges differ between chosen caves and within designated zones. We provide the first study of changes in diversity trends along ecological gradient in subterranean ecosystems of Balkan Peninsula. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0115-0121
Ghanem Nadra, Neffar Fahima & Nouri Lilia
Study of relation between invertebrates community under Allium sativum L. crop in the semi-arid region in Algeria
A large number of organisms live in soil and perform various ecological functions there. This soil biodiversity of fauna community is particularly studied in the case of agrosystems because it has an impact on primary production. The garlic (Allium sativum L.) cultivation is one of gardening crops widely used above all in semi-arid regions in Algeria especially lately, given its economic and social interest. This vegetable constitutes the most important nutrient of a balanced diet due to their valuable nutritional component values and micronutrients essential for human health. The organic matter that is deposited in soil via aerial or root litter specific to garlic culture therefore constitutes particular energy and carbon sources for soil biodiversity, especially in rather distinct climatic conditions. The objective of this research was therefore to study the biodiversity relationship between edaphic invertebrates community under a garlic crop. Random soil sampling at six sites was carried out in the spring period in a plot at Chemora commune in Batna region, characterized by a semi-arid climate with cold winter. It was followed by an extraction and identification of invertebrates carried out with the naked eye, and by means of a Berlese trap with a soil volume of 30 cm3 of about 8 at 10 kg of soil. The results allowed to identify eight varieties of invertebrates: Lombricidae of the genus Aporrectodea, Allolobophora and Proctodrilus, Coleoptera larvae, Tipulidae larvae; Dermaptera, Diptera larvae, Coleoptera larvae, mites and Carabidae. The correlation matrix revealed a negative correlation between the biomass of earthworms as well as their number and Tipulidae larvae Dermaptera and Carabidae. The principal component analysis gathers the variables in a first group of total earthworms, earthworm biomass and number of Aporrectodea and in the second group of Tipulidae larvae and Carabidae. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0123-0131
Mauro M. Brunetti
Taxonomic notes on two bivalves (Mollusca Bivalvia) described by Charles-François Fontannes in 1882
During the study of the Pliocene malacofaunas of the Mediterranean Basin, it was ascertained that the name Spondylus ferreolensis Fontannes, 1882 cannot be used as a substitute for S. concentricus Bronn, 1831 of which the type material is here represented for the first time. The validity of Acanthocardia perrugosa (Fontannes, 1882) is also proposed, of which it was possible to view the type material, a species previously considered synonymous with A. paucicostata (GB Sowerby, 1841), or A. bianconiana (Cocconi, 1873) or A. aculeata (Linnaeus, 1758). -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0133-0135
Alberto Villari & Giovanni Ammendolia
New episodes of stranding of Corolla spectabilis Dall, 1871 in the Messina Strait
There are two further strandings of pseudoconch of Corolla spectabilis Dall, 1871 (Gastropoda Cymbuliidae) on the Messina coast of the Strait of Messina. The color photo of one of the two specimens found and further information on the species are provided. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0137-0140
Andrea Corso
First record of living Conomurex persicus (Swainson, 1821) (Gastropoda Strombidae) for Italian waters
The first record of live collected Conomurex persicus (Swainson, 1821) (Gastropoda Cymbuliidae) for Italy is reported, on account of six live specimens found in November 2021 at Linosa Island, Pelagie Archipelago (Agrigento, Sicily, Italy). -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0141-0144
Elena Prazzi
Nesting activity of Loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) (Reptilia Cheloniidae) from 2018 to 2021 on Lampedusa Island (Pelagie Islands, Sicily Channel)
The author reports main data on egg laying of Loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) (Reptilia Cheloniidae) in Lampedusa Island in the nesting seasons 2018-2021, with the discovery of a new nesting site, and an update on nesting females tagging program. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0145-0154
Abdulbasit Hussein
Factors of Biodiversity Loss and Conservation difficulties and opportunities in Ethiopia: systematic review
Though there is plenty of theoretical evidence supporting the economic and social reasons of biodiversity loss, empirical evidence for the majority of these links is sparse, if not non-existent. The loss of habitats, the introduction of foreign species, over-harvesting of biodiversity resources, and species homogeneity in agriculture are all important biological drivers for the loss of biological diversity. All of these factors have one thing in common: they are all human-driven. More research is needed in this area. It is also debatable and questioned if existing biodiversity-conservation strategies provide adequate responses to these core causes of biodiversity loss and are capable of effectively counteracting the loss of biodiversity-related cultural values, biological species, and ecosystems. This review study provides an overview of the economic and societal factors that contribute to biodiversity loss in Ethiopia, as well as prospective opportunities. It also indicates the obstacles and future directions that should be implemented. Only theoretical considerations and overviews of current estimations are used in the analysis. Better promotion of practical conservation methods, community-based management techniques, and sector-based conservation and integration should be applied throughout the entire resource region to scale up biodiversity conservation loss. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0155-0162
Italo Nofroni, Walter Renda, Franco Agamennone & Salvatore Giacobbe
Dasyskenea dibellai n. sp. from the Central Mediterranean Sea (Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Skeneidae)
Dasyskenea dibellai n. sp. from the central Mediterranean Sea, collected off Marsala, Western Sicily, 133 m depth, in the Muddy Detritus Biocoenosis, is here described. The new species, characterized by small size, an almost planorbid profile and an evident transverse sculpture prevailing over the longitudinal one, is compared with the Skeneidae with such characteristics both from the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent Atlantic Ocean. Due to the characteristics of the protoconch and the morphological affinity, the new species is assigned to the genus Dasyskenea Fasulo et Cretella, 2003 together with Skeneoides digeronimoi La Perna, 1998 and the two North-East Atlantic related species, Skenea nilarum Engl, 1996 and S. victori Segers, Swinnen et De Prins, 2009. In the context of comparisons, Skenea costulata Sbrana et Siragusa, 2018 is considered probable synonymous with Skenea divae Carrozza et van Aartsen, 2001. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0163-0170
Degdag Hanane, Boudouaya Manel, Aouadj Sid Ahmed & Bendimered-Mouri Fatima Zohra
Effect of physico-chemical treatments on the vitality of Pistacia atlantica Desf. (Anacardiaceae) in Algeria: effect of provenances on germination and seed emergence
The Pistacia atlantica Desf. (Anacardiaceae) is widespread in North Africa, it is found in the Dayas, its extreme areas, in the form of sparse stands. It is a species that can constitute interesting populations in arid and semi-arid zones, hence the interest of studying the effect of provenances (25 regions of Algeria) on germination and seed emergence. In this context, 120 seeds were tested in the laboratory to know the effect of provenances on germination, the same procedure was used to know the effect of provenances on emergence (in the nursery). The seeds were divided into lots of 20 seeds (the number of replicates is 6 to reach the degree of freedom “DDL”). The results obtained show that the germination rate seems to be better for the provenances of Saida, Naama and EL Bayadh (≥ 90% for 45 days). On the other hand, the provenances of Relizane, Tlemcen, Guelema, Oued, Biskra, Ghardaia, Mascara, Bouira, Djelfa, Sidi Bel Abbes and Mesila give only very poor results (≤ 20%), while the other provenances give a medium result (≈ 50%). Regarding emergence, the provenances of Laghouat, Saida, Tiaret, Bechar, Naama and Batna give a good result (≥ 90%) while the result is very low for the provenances of Adrar, Biskra, Oued, Ghardaia, Mascara, Bouira, Relizane, Sidi Bel Abbes and Djelfa. In view of these results, the use of Pistacia atlantica in the restructuring of degraded arid spaces constitutes an interesting option and provides some answers to foresters in terms of the choice of provenance likely to be used in reforestation programs. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0171-0186
Agatino Reitano, Gianbattista Nardi, Fabio Liberto, Rossana Sanfilippo, Davide Di Franco, Roberto Viviano & Ignazio Sparacio
New data on genus Acicula Hartmann, 1821 (Gastropoda Aciculidae) in Sicily (Italy) with the description of two new taxa
Two new taxa belonging to the genus Acicula Hartmann, 1821, are described: A. giglioi n. sp., endemic from the Nebrodi Chain (north Sicily), and A. giglioi peloritana n. ssp., endemic from Peloritani Ridge (north-eastern Sicily). Their shells are characterized by the shape of the peristome: flattend, well separated from the last whorl of the spire, arched in lateral view and more or less strongly turned backwards in its upper part, crossed by several superficial striae. The two subspecific taxa differ from each other in the different character of the shell (height and diameter of shell, ratio H/D, number of striae in the penultimate whorl) and their distribution (Nebrodi and Peloritani mountains respectively). In addition, Acicula szigethyannae Subai, 1977 (Gastropoda Aciculidae), already known in peninsular Italy (from eastern Liguria to southern Calabria) and in eastern Sicily, is now confirmed as present in all central-eastern Sicily. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0187-0280 - MONOGRAPH
Ignazio Sparacio
The contribution of the Sicilian naturalists to the knowledge of circumsicilian islands during the 19th century
The 19th was a century of great cultural and scientific innovation. Sicily, despite the numerous political and social problems, was not found unprepared to accept and apply all the new demands that were spread from Europe throughout the world. The Sicilian scientific environment, in particular, had a great development and achieved excellent results in all sectors, weakening the original thrust, until it almost completely disappeared, in the early 20th century. In this work only one aspect of this cultural commitment is represented: the contribution of Sicilian naturalists to the study of the circumsicilian islands. Pietro Calcara, already in the early 19th century, began a preliminary and systematic study of all the circumsicilian islands. Other authors devoted themselves only to some topics that interested these islands: Carlo Gemmellaro, for example, who studied the phenomena related to the appearance of the Ferdinandea island and, in other fields of naturalistic research, Andrea Aradas, Francesco Minà Palumbo, Agostino Todaro, Monterosato, Antonio De Gregorio, Gaetano Platania and Giuseppe Zodda. In addition, Giuseppe Riggio, Teodosio De Stefani-Perez, Luigi Failla Tedaldi and Enrico Ragusa studied, from the entomological point of view, only some of these islands with excellent results. Luigi Benoit promoted a systematic exploration of the circumsicilian islands for the study of terrestrial molluscs - and, with the crucial help of Domenico Reina, he improved their malacological knowledge by also describing numerous new taxa; Michele Lo Jacono-Pojero, participating directly in the research, also described numerous new taxa of vascular plants for the Pelagie Islands and the Aeolian Islands and, finally, Enrico Pirajno devoted himself to the naturalistic study of the Aeolian Islands, failing to publish, however, a relevant part of the results obtained. Brief biographical notes and an annotated list of their works on the circumsicilian islands are provided for all these main authors. A specific “Appendix” also includes all the works on these islands carried out by other authors, Sicilian and non-Sicilian, throughout the 19th century. In the conclusions, brief considerations are exposed on the end of Sicilian naturalistic culture of the 19th century and observations on the current and future situation. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0281-0291 - MONOGRAPH
Mauro Grano
The non-indigenous freshwater molluscs, and particularly Helisoma scalare (Jay, 1839) (Gastropoda Planorbidae), of Lake Albano (Rome, Italy)
In this work, the allochthonous freshwater molluscs of Lake Albano are examined. Particular attention is paid to the history of the planorbids of this lake and to its recent taxonomic attribution as Helisoma scalare (Jay, 1839).
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