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Mustapha Ainad Tabet
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (1): 0025-0035
Fatima Bendiouis, Rédda Aboura, Mustapha Ainad Tabet & Fatiha Barka
Characterization of the biodiversity of ornamental flora in the urban perimeter of the city of Tlemcen (Northwest of Algeria)
The objective of this study was to analyze and characterize the biodiversity of the ornamental flora in the urban perimeter of the region of Tlemcen (Northwest of Algeria) in the two public gardens chosen in the city of Tlemcen. By considering in this approach the various statistical indices of plant biodiversity that will allow us a better knowledge of the ecological potential of the environment to shelter a wide range of taxa adapted to the ecological conditions of the biotope considered. The results obtained showed a large number of species from a floristic richness point of view, including 86 ornamental species recorded in the 1er Juin garden (Grand Bassin) and 24 in the Boujlida garden. The biogeographical origin of the inventoried species at the level of the study stations revealed a considerable number of species of the non-Mediterranean type compared to the Mediterraneanone. The calculation of the different diversity indices confirms different outstanding representatives of the plant species within their taxonomic families. The Shannon index was the values obtained of 5.24 in the garden of 1er Juin compared to those of Boujlida with 3.72, which determined more interesting representativeness of the abundance of the species counted within their respective families in the first garden by contribution to the second. The Simpson index makes it possible to note greater representativeness of all the species within the Boujlida garden with a percentage of 50% compared to that of 1er Juin, which was only of the order of 30%. Finally, we can conclude that these two gardens offer an opportunity to develop the ornamental flora of the city of Tlemcen while trying to promote the introduction of native species for sustainable preservation to ensure the sustainability of these taxa. -
Biodiversity Journal, 11 (2): 383-388
Mustapha Ainad Tabet, Noury Benabadji, Abdessamad Merzouk & Halima Benmoussat
Contributions to the research of ecological gradients in the treatment of floristic data (Oran, Algeria)
The factorial analysis of the correspondence from the “Minitab” software carried out on the floristic inventoried species at four different stations in Oran region (Algeria) made it possible to highlight interesting information on the numerous ecologic variations which evolve over time in a certain environment. This biostatistical treatment has also revealed a certain number of gradients (environmental disturbances) underlying the different axes of the factorial planes of the stations. These factors are mainly related to anthropogenic actions (crops, nitrates, etc.) which often lead to frequent therophytisation. To these are added other natural factors such as salinity and steppisation.
- Biodiversity Journal 2025
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- Biodiversity Journal 2014
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- Biodiversity Journal 2012
- Biodiversity Journal 2011
- Biodiversity Journal 2010