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Abdessamad Merzouk
Biodiversity Journal, 6 (2): 663-668 - MONOGRAPH
Kerzabi Rachida, Abdessamad Merzouk, Stambouli-Meziane Hassiba & Benabadji Noury
Germination of Atriplex halimus Linnaeus, 1753 (Caryophyllales Chenopodiaceae) in North West AlgeriaABSTRACT
In arid and semi-arid ambients, soil salinity is a constraint for the development of plants and a threat for balanced diet. Current data in the Mediterranean basin report up to 16 million hectares of salt soil, 3.2 million of which in Algeria. Germination in vitro of seeds of Atriplex halimus Linnaeus, 1753 (Caryophyllales Chenopodiaceae) in both synthetic media (nutrient agar, and Mueller Hinton) reached rates of 80% at 25 °C and 50% at 5 °C. The taxon shows a good resistance to salt; because of high salinity treatments (500 to 600 meq/l), there is a delay in germination but not complete inhibition of the process. -
Biodiversity Journal, 12 (3): 0755-0760
Rachid Dahmani, Abdessamed Merzouk & Sid Ahmed Aouadj
Incidences of anthropogenic pressure on the degradation of the scrub of the western Algerian region (Tlemcen, case of Djebel Felloucene): qualitative and quantitative aspects
The scrub of Djebel de Fellaoucene is one of the forests of the mounts of the Traras (western of Algeria) that undergoes enormous variations which vary according to the regressive or progressive dynamics under climatic and anthropogenic pressures in semi-arid zones. These landscapes are in fact a mosaic in which several types of matorrals such as scrubland or scrub overlap, determined by multiple factors: the local climate (drought, climatic aridity, etc.), the importance of human activities; overgrazing is also a major limiting factor. This current study provides a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the anthropogenic pressure exerted in this area. The methodology adopted in this study is that of Le Houerou (1969) and Montoya (1983), which is based on the calculation of the annual needs of the herd in forage units, the estimation of the food production potential, the overgrazing coefficient and in addition the anthropogenic pressure index. The result of the forage balance in the forest rangelands of the study area has a forage deficit (overload) of -7,962,360 UF (a sylvo-pastoral imbalance), the overgrazing coefficient is (91%) and the anthropogenic pressure index is very high (26). The quantification of the impact of anthropogenic action and overgrazing on the forest formations effects makes it possible to establish a trajectory of the cumulative anthropogenic impacts on this area in order to develop restoration strategies and more effective means of protection. -
Biodiversity Journal, 12 (2): 0283-0288
Fatima Zohra Meftah, Noury Benabadji & Abdessamad Merzouk
New data on some matorralized soils in the western Algerian region
This paper continues the work carried out to determine the influence of soil physico-chemical factors on the spatial distribution of matorrals in the plain from Remchi to Béni-Saf located in the western region of Algeria and on the relationships that soil can have on the diversity of matorrals. On the bioclimatic level, the region is characterized by semi-aridity accentuating the phenomena of thérophysation. Soil analysis was carried out using known methods (Stokes Particle Size Method, Electrometric Method for pH, 1/5 Extract Method for Electrical Conductivity, Bernard Calcium Method for Ca CO3, Anne Method for Organic Carbon). The results confirm the following characteristics: sandy-muddy “Remchi”, sandy “Rachgoun 1 and Rechgoun 2”, not far from Béni-Saf. The low clay content (Remchi: Profile 1: Horizon 1 clays 9%, Profile 2: Horizon 1: Clays 12%, Profile 3: Horizon 1: Clays 16%, Rechgoun Profile 1: Horizon 1: Clays 5%, Profile 3: Horizon 1: 5% clays and Horizon 2: 6% clays) leads to poor structural stability and degradation of the soil surface due to visible erosion especially on steep slopes. -
Biodiversity Journal, 11 (2): 383-388
Mustapha Ainad Tabet, Noury Benabadji, Abdessamad Merzouk & Halima Benmoussat
Contributions to the research of ecological gradients in the treatment of floristic data (Oran, Algeria)
The factorial analysis of the correspondence from the “Minitab” software carried out on the floristic inventoried species at four different stations in Oran region (Algeria) made it possible to highlight interesting information on the numerous ecologic variations which evolve over time in a certain environment. This biostatistical treatment has also revealed a certain number of gradients (environmental disturbances) underlying the different axes of the factorial planes of the stations. These factors are mainly related to anthropogenic actions (crops, nitrates, etc.) which often lead to frequent therophytisation. To these are added other natural factors such as salinity and steppisation.
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- Biodiversity Journal 2010