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Halima Benmoussat

  • Biodiversity Journal, 11 (2): 383-388

    Mustapha Ainad Tabet, Noury Benabadji, Abdessamad Merzouk & Halima Benmoussat
    Contributions to the research of ecological gradients in the treatment of floristic data (Oran, Algeria)

    The factorial analysis of the correspondence from the “Minitab” software carried out on the floristic inventoried species at four different stations in Oran region (Algeria) made it possible to highlight interesting information on the numerous ecologic variations which evolve over time in a certain environment. This biostatistical treatment has also revealed a certain number of gradients (environmental disturbances) underlying the different axes of the factorial planes of the stations. These factors are mainly related to anthropogenic actions (crops, nitrates, etc.) which often lead to frequent therophytisation. To these are added other natural factors such as salinity and steppisation.