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Biodiversity Journal 2022, 13 (2): 295-478
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0295-0296
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0297-0320
Andrea Lombardo & Giuliana Marletta
The nudibranchs (Gastropoda Heterobranchia) of the central-eastern coast of Sicily, II: Suborder Doridina
Through the present study, new data on the biology and ecology of dorids along the central-eastern coast of Sicily (Italy), whose knowledge was previously scant and fragmentary, have been here provided. After a brief description of this group of nudibranchs, for each species data on morphology, abundance, location and depth, substrates and habitats, seasonality and remarks are here given. Moreover, through this study, two species, Crimora papillata Alder et Hancock, 1862 and Geitodoris portmanni (Schmekel, 1972) are reported for the first time for the central-eastern coast of Sicily. This study highlighted that along this area there is almost the 28% of the total Mediterranean dorid fauna. Consequently, only through a continuous monitoring, it is possible to achieve a good knowledge of any group of marine heterobranchs in a given area. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0321-0327
Zineb Maammeri, Aicha Madi, Nour-el-Houda Hamoud & Zouhir Djerrou
Chemical composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activities from methanolic extract of Crataegus monogyna Jacq. (Rosaceae)
The monogynous hawthorn or Crataegus monogyna Jacq (Rosaceae) is a medicinal plant used since antiquity in traditional medicine, recognized by its therapeutic virtues. This study aims to estimate the total phenols and flavonoids contents and to evaluate the antioxidant and antibacterial activity in vitro from the methanolic extract of the C. monogyna leaves. Antioxidant activity was investigated with six methods, DPPH, ABTS, galvinoxyl scavenging activities. FRAP, CUPRAC and phenanthroline assays, Total phenols and flavonoids contents were studied by Folin–Ciocalteau and aluminum colorimetric methods. The antibacterial activity of the methanolic extract was evaluated against Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Streptococcus Sp in the base of inhibition zone diameter using agar diffusion method. The findings showed a significant antioxidant activity by the methods of DPPH (IC50=28.00±0.97μg/ml), CUPRAC (A0.5=28.79±2.10μg/ml), ABTS (IC50=10.12±0.60μg/ml), phenanthroline (A0.5=36.84±1.85μg/ml), GOR (IC50=20.76±0.40 μg/ml) but this activity is absent with FRAP assay. The amount of TPC was very high in this extract (201.47±0.55 μg EAG/mg), while the value of flavonoids was moderate (75.48 ±5.77μg EQ/mg). The methanolic extract of C. monogyna leaves showed a significant antibacterial potency. The present study has demonstrated that C. monogyna extract possess potent antioxidant capacity and a good antibacterial activity, which could be include in medicinal use. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0329-0338
Sana Besnaci, Mabrouka Bouacha, Yamine Babouri, Labiba Zerari & Samira Bensoltane
Toxicity assessment of a binary nanometric mixture (ZnO/Fe2O3) in Cornu aspersum (Müller, 1774) (Gastropoda Helicidae)
The effects of harmful mixtures on living organisms are of greater importance due to exposure of these complex mixtures of contaminants in the environment. As nanoparticles (NPs) released can potentially interact with many pollutants, and even other NPs in this study, adult Cornu aspersum (Müller, 1774) (Gastropoda Helicidae) were used to estimate a mixture effect of two NPs “Fe2O3 and ZnO” on the exchange of metabolites (carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins), and some oxidative stress biomarkers: Glutathione (GSH), Glutathione-S-Transferase (GST), Catalase (Cat), and by performing hepatopancreas histological sections of this gastropod after four weeks of treatment. During this period, snails have ingested wheat flour containing the powder of this mixture at doses of 0, 1, 2, and 3 mg/g of wheat flour. The biochemical assays of metabolites reveal disturbances in metabolism by increasing the protein content and decreasing lipid and carbohydrate levels. The decrease of GSH level, GST activity, and Cat activity proves that failure of the detoxification system triggers oxidative stress. The histological study confirms the biochemical results by the tissue lesions, which are very serious, and in a surprisingly dependent dose manner with inflammations, necrosis, hypertrophies, degeneration of the connective tissue, and tubular membranes. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0339-0350
Rhim Ayyah C. Kamir & Olga M. Nuñeza
Species composition of cave-dwelling reptiles and their microhabitats in Agusan del Sur, Philippines
There are more than 1500 caves known in the Philippines which provide refuge, shelter, and food to many vertebrates including reptiles. The microhabitats inside and around the caves are essential in the survival of these cave-dwelling reptiles. In this work, we provide the checklist and microhabitat utilized by different lizards and snakes occupying cave habitats in Agusan del Sur. We used modified cruising method and visual encounter search to survey reptiles in eight selected caves from Agusan del Sur. A total of ten species belonging to three different families of which seven are Philippine endemic (70%) species were documented. Most of the species were recorded in Agpan cave, Municipality of Trento. Scincid lizards were the most diverse family of reptiles documented to inhabit rotten logs, leaf piles, rocks, and wall crevices of the cave entrances. The presence of these endemic lizards and snakes validates the importance of this natural ecosystem for its conservation and protection. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0351-0353
Pierluigi Piras & Domenico Meloni
Occurrence of Scalloped ribbonfish, Zu cristatus Bonelli, 1819 (Lampriformes Trachipteridae), in the Gulf of Cagliari (South Sardinia, Italy)
The recent capture of two specimens of Scalloped ribbonfish, Zu cristatus Bonelli, 1819 (Lampriformes Trachipteridae) in the Gulf of Cagliari (South Sardinia, Italy) is here described and meristic data are reported. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0355-0359
Danilo Scuderi & Alberto Villari
Further two alien species for the Sicilian waters: Aplus assimilis (Reeve, 1846) and Mitrella psilla (Duclos, 1846) (Gastropoda Neogastropoda)
The finding of two further non indigenous species for the Eastern Sicilian rocky coast is here reported. The neo-gastropods Aplus assimilis (Reeve, 1846) and Mitrella psilla (Duclos, 1846) were found living inside the arbor of Catania. Specimens regularly collected during these last five years demonstrate the stability of the populations of both the species inside the harbor, while no other materials emerged from the exam of samples collected around the finding locality. The presence of both the species along Italian coasts was previously ascertained in few scattered localities, while the current represents the first report for Sicily. A human-mediated diffusion is here supposed as for other species found in the island. This last finding brings back to the top the problem of the numerous alien species arrivals during these latest years in Sicily and, more generally, in the Mediterranean Sea. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0361-0366
Amy A. Legaspi, Aizel T. Dela Peña, Zachary P. Osin & Richel E. Relox
Diet Composition and Determination of Total Mercury in the Gut of Fejervarya cancrivora (Gravenhorst, 1829) (Anura Dicroglossidae) in Gango, Libona, Bukidnon, Philippines
Mercury toxicity is believed to be a widespread environmental dilemma that has been creating tremendous damages not only to humans, but also to wildlife. Owing to its sensitivity to mercury toxicity, F. cancrivora was subjected for the determination of total mercury (THg). The food intake of frogs is claimed to influence mercury concentration on its body, thus its stomach content was also subjected for analysis. The analysis on the gut contents of F. cancrivora revealed ten (10) food items in which the insect parts got the highest percentage of occurrence (74.19%). In addition, the total mercury concentration found on the gut of F. cancrivora is below the detection limit of <0.02 ug/g which passed USEPA standard of 0.50 ug/g implying that the detected mercury level is still acceptable. This study would like to recommend control and prevention of mercury contamination in the mining area. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0367-0372
Jin-Fei Xiao, Bu-Yun Zhang, Hua Peng & Chun-Lei Xiang
Corydalis anaginova Lidén & Z.Y. Su, 1997 (Papaveraceae), a rare species from Tibet rediscovered in China
Corydalis anaginova Lidén & Z.Y. Su, 1997, is a poorly understood species that has been known from the type collection in 1943. In this study we report the rediscovery of one population of C. anaginova, almost 80 years since the first collection. This paper offers the recent finding, including a detailed species description and first available photographs, and discusses its taxonomy. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0373-0380
Kawther Abdelhamid, Nadia Bouchenafa, Khalladi Mederbal & Fatima Dahlia
Assessment of morphological variability of leaves and fruits of three natural populations of wild caper (Capparis spinosa L.) in western Algeria
Capparis spinosa L., family Capparidaceae, is a spontaneous plant of great economic, medicinal and ecological importance. This study focused on the estimation of morphological variability of three populations of the spiny caper from western Algeria by measuring morphological traits of leaves, fruits and seeds. Variance analysis showed that there were significant (P<0.05) difference (number of seeds per fruit) to highly significant (P<0.001) difference (the other morphological traits) between the three spontaneous caper natural populations with coefficients of variation ranging from 6.39% to 24.11%. There were no interpopulation differences for fruit width (P>0.05). The populations of Taghit (Bechar) and Sidi Belattar (Mostaganem) showed the best morphological traits. The population from Taghit had the best means for leaf length (35.62±3.47 mm), fruit width (35.62±3.47 mm), fruit weight (11.06±2.74 g), peduncle length (79.55±12.26 mm) and number of seeds per fruit (157±40.20). The population from Sidi Belattar was characterized by the highest leaf widths (39.24±3.89 mm), petiole lengths (11.309±2.02 mm), fruit lengths (42.433±4.15 mm), seed lengths (3.46±0.20 mm) and thousand seed weights (12.15±1.75 g). While the population from Mghila (Tiaret) had the lowest means for most morphological traits. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed a geographical separation between the studied populations with a polymorphism of 83.31%. The hierarchical classification using Ward’s distance classified the populations into two clusters related to climatic and edaphic gradients. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0381-0385
Souheila Ouamane, Ali Bouzekri & Lyamine Mezedjri
Physicochemical and bacteriological quality of drinking water from different regions of the wilaya of Skikda (Algeria)
The objective of this study is to evaluate the physicochemical and bacteriological quality of drinking water from different origins in the region of Skikda, Algeria (groundwater, dams and desalination). The study was carried out for a period of 3 months. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0387-0397
Agatino Reitano, Danilo Scuderi & Alberto Villari
Lectotype designation for Putzeysia clathrata (Aradas, 1847) (Gastropoda Eucyclidae) and its systematic position
In the present work we discuss the validity of Putzeysia clathrata (Aradas, 1847) (Gastropoda Eucyclidae) currently considered synonym of P. wiseri (Calcara, 1842), despite being the type species of the genus Putzeysia Sulliotti, 1889. Reported as a fossil for the Early Pleistocene of Sicily and Calabria, it is here redescribed for the first time and, at the same time, its taxonomic position is discussed. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0399-0408
Antonino Dentici, Antonino Barbera, Angelo Ditta & Salvatore Surdo
On some new reports on the spider fauna of Italy and Sicily (Arachnida Araneae)
New spiders (Arachnida Araneae) from Sicily (Italy) are reported, some new for Italy, in this paper. Particularly, twelve genera and sixteen new species are examined: Agelena orientalis C.L. Koch, 1837; Cyclosa algerica Simon, 1885; Larinia lineata (Lucas, 1846); Argenna patula (Simon, 1874), Lathys arabs Simon, 1910, Marilynia bicolor (Simon, 1870), Canariphantes zonatus (Simon, 1884), Cresmatoneta mutinensis (Canestrini, 1868), Diplocephalus graecus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873), Lepthyphantes leprosus (Ohlert, 1865), Ostearius melanopygius (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1880), Pelecopsis bucephala (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875), Pelecopsis inedita (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875), Lasaeola convexa (Blackwall, 1870), Neottiura uncinata (Lucas, 1846) and Ruborridion musivum (Simon, 1873). Additional biological and taxonomic notes are also provided. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0409-0416
Jessa Marie Salvador-Caabay
Ecology and Diversity of Lampyridae (Firefly): Checklist, State of Knowledge, and Priorities for Future Research and Conservation in the Philippines
Lampyridae commonly known as fireflies, glow worms, or lightning bugs are a very diverse taxon that is known to be distributed globally. They have the ability to emit light through bioluminescence and have attracted public interest because of this. Though bioluminescence in insects is not restricted to this group, the family of fireflies (Lampyridae) contains more bioluminescent species compared to other families. This diverse and easily accessible group is well suited for studies focusing on the function and evolution of bioluminescence. Lampyrids are beneficial to ecosystems around the world and are often keystone species and serving as bioindicator in their habitat. They also play a role in medical and evolutionary science as important study organisms in biotechnology, behavioral ecology, evolution of communication systems, responses to climate change, and conservation biology. This paper presents the ecology and diversity of Lampyridae as well as the state of knowledge globally and in the Philippines. This paper also presents some priority area for future research and conservation. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0417-0426
Yasmina Agagna, Khadidja Boudjemaa, Narimene Oussalah, Ibtissem Beloued, Khaoula Aroua & Mohamed Biche
Ecological relationship between Lepidosaphes beckii (Newman, 1869) (Homoptera Diaspididae) and its two parasitoids Aphytis melinus DeBach, 1959 and A. lepidosaphes Compere, 1955 (Hymenoptera Aphelinidae) on lemons orchads in two localities of Mitidja Algeria
The study purpose is to understand the behavior of two hymenoptera parasitoids from Aphytis genus, Aphytis melinus DeBach, 1959 and A. lepidosaphes Compere, 1955, against armored scale host, Lepidosaphes beckii (Newman, 1869), in two lemon trees orchards of two localities: Heuraoua and Rouïba. The scale insect (L. beckii) develops 3 generations per year in Rouïba locality and 4 generations per year in Heuraoua locality. However, the parasitoid incidence of the two parasitoids species (A. melinus and A. lepidosaphes) are different between the two localities, according to the seasons and the plant organ. Indeed, the parasitism rate of A. lepidosaphes is higher in Rouïba than Heuraoua. Whereas, A. melinus activity is very important in Heuraoua and completely absent in Rouïba. Moreover, we noticed an important activity of A. lepidosaphes during the autumn and winter period, on branches while A. melinus is more active during summer period on scale populations attached to leaves. The comparative study of the morphometric measurements of L. beckii female parasitized covers between both localities demonstrate a positive relationship between the measurements of female covers and the parasitism rate recorded in these regions. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0427-0434
Danilo Scuderi, Morena Tisselli & Pasquale Micali
Melanella cyclopia n. sp. (Gastropoda Eulimidae) from Eastern Sicily
Melanella cyclopia n. sp. (Gastropoda Eulimidae) is described based on tens of shells found in shell grit taken in various localities located in a short length of Northern coast of Catania (Eastern Sicily, Ionian Sea), between 20 and 45 m depth. Findings include a liven taken specimen, whose soft parts have been observed and drawn. The new species is characterized by a well-rounded, swollen, solid shell similar to some Mediterranean congeners, but peculiar on account of some protoconch and shell details and a different external morphology of the soft parts. Differences from similar species from Eastern Atlantic, Red Sea, as well as Indo-Pacific are hereafter discussed. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0435-0442
Calogero Muscarella
New and summary data on the Scarabaeoidea (Insecta Coleoptera) of the Circumsicilian Islands
According to research materials collected during faunal campaigns, made in Sicily in the last years, ten new Scarabaeoidea insects were reported in Circumsicilians Islands. In particular, I would signalize: in the Island of Pantelleria the Hybosorus illigeri Reiche, 1853 and the Oryctes nasicornis grypus (Illiger, 1803); in the Islands of Favignana and Marettimo the Phyllognathus excavatus (Forster, 1771); in the Island of Favignana the Anomius castaneus (Illiger, 1803), the Euoniticellus pallipes (Fabricius, 1798) and the Trox fabricii Reiche, 1853; in the Island of Marettimo the Protaetia (Potosia) hypocrita (Ragusa, 1905); in the Aegadian Islands and Ustica Island the Aethiessa floralis squamosa (Gory et Percheron, 1833) and the Tropinota (Tropinota) squallida squallida (Scopoli, 1763); in the Aegadian Islands the Oxythyrea funesta (Poda, 1761). On the whole, there are 82 species of beetles around Circumsicilian Islands and the interconnections betweens numbers of these insects for each islet and the surface are positive. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (2): 0443-0478 - MONOGRAPH
Franck Boyer & Walter Renda
Revision of Gibberula philippii (Monterosato, 1878) in a populational approach (Gastropoda Cystiscidae)
The species Gibberula philippii (Monterosato, 1878) (Gastropoda Cystiscidae) is revised and one lectotype and six paralectotypes are appointed from a lot of Palermo belonging to the Monterosato Collection in the Civic Museum of Roma. Palermo is defined as the type locality of the species. The phenetic variability of G. philippii (shell morphology and animal chromatism) is displayed and commented through numerous specimens from various localities of the Mediterranean Sea and a sample from the Ibero-Moroccan Gulf (Casablanca). Gibberula cristinae with this populational approach is synonymous with G. philippii. In the present state, no sibling species is detected within the Mediterranean G. philippii group of forms and G. philippii is considered as a polymorphic species. The alleged complex of sibling species of G. philippii described recently from the Canarian Archipelago is discussed as a comparative case. The populational approach and the extensive study of the phenetic variability is argued to offer high benefits by itself in malacology studies and to contribute highly to the efficiency of integrative taxonomy.
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