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Biodiversity Journal 2022, 13 (4): 753-982
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0753-0754
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0755-0759
Mauro Grano & Riccardo Di Giuseppe
Survey of a leucistic Fallow deer Dama dama Linnaeus, 1758 at Macchiagrande WWF Oasis and surrounding areas (Latium, Italy)
In this note we report the observation over two years of a leucistic individual of the Fallow deer Dama dama Linnaeus, 1758 at Macchiagrande WWF Oasis and surrounding areas (Latium, Italy). -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0761-0766
Norma López & Carlos Candelaria-Silva
The unusual occurrence of Chaetomorpha antennina (Bory) Kützing, 1847 (Chlorophyta Cladophoraceae) in a sublittoral rocky reef of the Mexican tropical Pacific marine ecoregion: significant expansion of their ecogeographic range
This is the first record of Chaetomorpha antennina (Bory) Kützing, 1847 (Chlorophyta Cladophoraceae) from a deep rocky reef of the Mexican tropical Pacific marine ecoregion, a chlorophyte which had been reported only from intertidal and shallow subtidal zones. C. antennina of Sacramento reef in Zihuatanejo, Mexico, is smaller than had been previously reported. Extension of variation intervals of this species collected 18–20 m depth suggests that other factors such as hydrodynamic forces and light reduction in deep environments may have a relevant role in its morphological plasticity. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0767-0774
Amina Yezli, Abdelmalek Salahi, Asma Boukari & Noureddine Soltani
Metallothioneins as a biomarker of metallic pollution in Donax trunculus Linnaeus, 1758 (Mollusca Bivalvia) from the gulf of Annaba (Algeria)
In recent years, the Gulf of Annaba has observed an increase in the pollution level, in particular by heavy metals. The present experiment aimed to assess pollution by measuring the rate of metallothioneins (MTs), a biomarker of metallic contamination, measured in the digestive gland of Donax trunculus Linnaeus, 1758 (Mollusca Bivalvia) an edible mollusk widely used in biomonitoring of water quality. This sentinel species was sampled during two seasons (winter and summer 2019) at two sites in the Gulf of Annaba (Northeast Algeria): El Battah site far from any source of pollution and Sidi Salem site exposed to various sources of pollution. The biochemical analyzes reveal spatio-temporal changes. The levels of proteins recorded in the two studied sites were higher in summer and values from El Battah individuals were significantly higher compared to those from Sidi Salem. In addition, they show an induction in MT rates in individuals from the two sites (Sidi Salem and El Battah) in summer with higher values recorded in individuals from Sidi Salem. This difference is related to the proximity of sources of contamination at Sidi Salem compared to El Battah. The rates of MTs vary also according to abiotic factors such as hydrodynamics or temperature which can explain the significant seasonal difference with a more marked induction in summer. Conclusively, our study shows the sensitivity of D. trunculus to chemical stress induced by heavy metal contamination as evidenced by an induction of MTs with significant effects of both sites and seasons. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0775-0783
Salvatore Pasta
Isola Rossa (Iscra Ruja) of Capo Comino (eastern Sardinia): botanical notes after a short visit in late spring
A list of the vascular plants growing on Isola Rossa di Comino (eastern Sardinia) is presented. This census derives from a survey carried out in June 2022 and also provides useful information to characterise the local vegetation, the habitats of Community interest according to EU Directive 92/43, as well as the main disturbance factors affecting the islet, on which no botanical data were currently available, and which is little known from a biological point of view. The populous colonies of the Mediterranean herring gull (Larus michahellis) and the tufted plover (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) significantly influence the current patterns of vascular flora and vegetation over large surfaces of the islet. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0785-0798
Augusto Cattaneo
Effects of ecological divergence in the westernmost Anatolian populations of Montivipera xanthina (Gray, 1849) (Serpentes Viperidae)
The Montivipera xanthina (Gray, 1849) complex (Serpentes Viperidae) consists of two divergent species groups, the xanthina group with a western distribution (Western Turkey, Northeastern Greece), and the bornmuelleri group (albizona, bornmuelleri, bulgardaghica, wagneri) with a more eastern distribution (Central-eastern Turkey, Syria, Lebanon). New evidence suggests that the xanthina group’s well-documented search for coastal habitats is dictated by intrinsic factors. Therefore, the author deems it appropriate to distinguish these western Anatolian populations of Montivipera xanthina with the subgeneric name Planivipera n. subgen., which would separate this group of vipers with their different ecology from the true mountain vipers of the Turkish inland (bornmuelleri group). -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0799-0804
Benotmane Kamelia Hesni, Boukheroufa Mehdi, Guediri Mayssoune, Hadiby Rached, Frih Abdelaziz & Sakraoui Feriel
Impact of the wild boar Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia Suidae) on wetlands soil quality: case of Black and Blue Lakes (National Parc of El Kala, northestern Algeria)
The wild boar Sus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia Suidae) is one of the most prolific and invasive species threatening the balance of natural areas, particularly wetlands. The objective of this work is therefore to assess the impact of this species on the physical quality of soils in the wetlands of El Kala National Park. The study was conducted on the Blue and Black Lakes during and after the hunting season. The activity traces were geolocated and then overlaid on a map using the SasPlanet program. The results obtained show overall a limited activity of the wild boar in the Black Lake. However, there is a significant increase in the rooted area of the Blue Lake, which is particularly marked after the hunting period, but this seems to be the result of the decrease in the water level. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0805-0812
Khaoula Mahmoudi, Fatiha Bendali-Saoudi & Noureddine Soltani
Potential predation of Cyclops fuscus Jurine, 1820 (Crustacea Copepoda) against two mosquito species Culex pipiens Linnaeus, 1758 and Culiseta longiareolata Macquart, 1838 (Diptera Culicidae)
Due to the increasing pesticide-resistance by vectors, predation of mosquito larvae is one of the most important ecosystems’ services contributing to public health and safety from mosquito-borne diseases. In order to contribute in developing newer and safer biological control tools, the evaluation of the predatory potential of natural mosquito enemies is required. In this regard, our study aimed to evaluate the predatory potential of Cyclops fuscus Jurine, 1820 (Crustacea Copepoda) against two mosquito species, Culex pipiens Linnaeus, 1758 and Culiseta longiareolata Macquart, 1838 (Diptera Culicidae), at four different larval stages (L1, L2, L3, L4) under laboratory conditions. During the 3 days of the experiment, C. fuscus showed an efficiency in the predation of mosquito larvae at some development stages. However, this efficacy followed decreasing rates after the first day. The larvae from the two first instars were almost predated in the first 24 hours with an average mortality of L1=16.0 ± 2.64 (80%); L2=7.33 ± 2.08 (95%) for Cx. pipiens and L1=19.0 ± 1.0 (36.65%); L2=9.0 ± 1.0 (45%) for Cs. longiareolata. Then, the predation rate decreased to negligible. By the end of the experiment, the total consumed larvae of L3 and L4 stages was only 20% for both instars in the case of Cx. pipiens against 25% and 40% of L3 and L4 for Cs. longiareolata larvae. Therefore, our results revealed that developmental stage of the culicidae is an important factor to determine their trophic position (p < 0.001). On the other hand, C. fuscus seems to be having a restrictive role to pre-imaginal Culicidae populations, and thus can be considered to regulate the mosquito population dynamics. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0813-0816
Abd Alati Elsowayeb & Khaled Etayeb
First record of White-faced Whistling-Ducks Dendrocygna viduata (Linnaeus, 1766) (Aves Anatidae) in Libya
In 24th May 2022, the presence of one adult specimen of White-faced Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna viduata (Linnaeus, 1766) (Aves Anatidae) was recorded in the sewage treatment lagoon of Al-Saket, in Misrata city about 200 km east to Tripoli (32°19’11.0”N 15°00’48.3”E), Libya. It was found swimming on water surface of the lagoon. Dendrocygna viduata breeds in sub-Saharan Africa and much of South America and is considered as gregarious and vagrant species. This is the first record of D. viduata in Libya that requires further confirmation as only one specimen has been observed and being a duck subject to human breeding. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0817-0821
Danilo Scuderi & Pasquale Micali
Megastomia conspicua (Alder, 1850) (Gastropoda Pyramidellidae) parasitic on Sabella spallanzanii (Gmelin, 1791) (Polychaeta Sabellidae) with notes on the modality of interaction
The finding of living specimens of the pyramidellid gastropod Megastomia conspicua (Alder, 1850) (Gastropoda Heterobranchia Pyramidellidae) attached to the tube of the fanworm Sabella spallanzanii (Gmelin, 1791) (Polychaeta Sabellidae) allowed observations on the parasitic activity of the mollusc on this latter. Moreover, the external soft parts of the mollusc were described and figured for the first time. Hypothesis on the peculiar color of both the shell and mollusc of this species and its mimetic role were finally furnished. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0823-0840
Franck Boyer & Walter Renda
About a collection of Anarithma species (Conoidea Mitromorphidae) from La Réunion, Mascarene Islands
Twelve mitromorphid species from La Réunion are tentatively attributed to the genus Anarithma Iredale, 1916, and revised on the ground of the Maurice Jay’s collection conserved in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, and of additional data given by the website “vieoceane” devoted to the marine gastropods fauna from La Réunion. Nine previously described species are formally revised in the genus Anarithma: A. pamila (Duclos, 1848), A. lachryma (Reeve, 1845), A. maesi Drivas et Jay, 1986, A. metula (Hinds, 1843), A. melvilli Boyer, 2022, A. inornata (Hervier, 1900), A. fischeri (Hervier, 1900), A. cf. salisburyi (Cernohorsky, 1978), and A. kilburni Drivas et Jay, 1986. Two new species are described in the same genus: A. aurea n. sp. as sibling species of A. metula, and A. borbonica n. sp. as sibling species of A. pamila. The morph illustrated as Mitromorpha poppei Chino et Stahlschmidt in the website “vieoceane” is evidenced to belong to an undescribed species, and its allocation to Anarithma is made with reserve. Cases of possible hybridism and of possible uncomplete speciations are discussed. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0841-0852
Jakov Prkić & Riccardo Giannuzzi-Savelli
A new species of Bela Leach in J.E. Gray, 1847 (Conoidea Mangeliidae) from Croatia
Based on shell and soft parts characters, a new species of the conoidean gastropod genus Bela Leach in J.E. Gray, 1847 is here described from the Croatian waters. The new taxon, Bela spalatina n. sp., known only from the type locality (Split, Croatia), is compared with the most closely related species, Bela fuscata (Deshayes, 1835). The animal colour pattern, unusual for the genus Bela, allows an easy identification of the new species. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0853-0863
Abdenour Moussouni, Réda Behlouli, Salah Amokrane, Wafa Amoura & Abdelkrim Gharriche
Monitoring of the Saharan cheetah and large fauna in the Ahaggar Cultural Park (southern Algeria)
The Ahaggar Cultural Park (Tamanrasset, Algeria) contains an extremely valuable faunal diversity of which the Cheetah is the flagship element of universal value. This biodiversity, threatened by the combination of climatic and anthropogenic constraints, led the park office to set up a monitoring system based on a holistic approach under the postulate of inseparability “Culture - Nature”. The use of camera traps associated with the traditional ecological knowledge of the local population has confirmed the effective presence of 08 wild mammals, 06 of which are protected at the national level and 03 listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. This work has also provided more information on the behavior of the Acinonyx jubatus hecki (Schreber, 1775) (Mammalia Felidae), critically endangered species which has not been observed in the Atakor for more than 15 years. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0865-0868
Valeriano Spadini & Francesco Pizzolato
Pliocene Caryophyllia Lamarck, 1801 (Anthozoa Scleractinia) from the Metauro river (Fano, Marches, Italy)
A species of Caryophyllia Lamarck, 1801 (Anthozoa Scleractinia) is studied. It was collected at Bellocchi in the bed of the Metauro River, near the industrial area of Fano (Marches, Italy), where the river has eroded Plio-Pleistocene sediments, about 6 km from its mouth. The fauna collected at the site consisted of a few species of deep-bottom-dwelling molluscs and a single species of scleractinian. The Caryophyllia described has particular features, but until an adequate number of specimens in good condition becomes available, its nomenclature is left open. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0869-0875
Amira Benahmed, Boualem Harfi, Imen Benchikhelhocine, Ibtissem Benbelkacem, Abla Daas & Khaoula Cherouana
Tissue culture techniques for callus induction in Mentha rotundifolia (L.) Huds and M. pulegium L. (Lamiales Lamiaceae)
Explants of two species of Mentha rotundifolia (L.) Huds and Mentha pulegium L. were evaluated for in vitro callus induction at Biotechnology Research Center (C.R.Bt), Algeria, during 2018, using MS medium supplemented with different hormonal combinations of NAA (naphthaleneacetic acid) and KIN (Kinetine) mg/l. Objective of our study is to develop a well-adopted technique for callus induction in these species by using MS medium with different concentrations of growth hormones. Internodes and leafs were used as explant source. Best response toward callus formation (100%) were observed for M. pulegium on the combinations M11 (0.1 mg/l NAA +0.5 mg/l KIN), M13 (1 mg/l NAA +0.5 mg/l KIN), M14 (1.5 mg/l NAA+0.5 mg/l KIN), M17 (0.5 mg/l NAA +1 mg/l KIN) and M19 (1.5 mg/l NAA+1 mg/l KIN). For the M. rotundifolia, the highest rate (68.75%) of callus formation was obtained on M6 (0.1 mg/l NAA+0.1 mg/l KIN). The best average callus surface of 84.68 mm2 was obtained in M19 (1.5 mg/l NAA, 1 mg/l KIN) for M. pulegium and highest average callus surface (49.07 mm2) was obtained in M7 (0.5 mg/l NAA, 0.1 mg/l KIN) for M. rotundifolia. Leafs explant induce important average callus surface than the internode explant for the both species of Mentha studied. The callus texture was friable and had two types of color: white and brown. The result demonstrated a well-adopted protocol for callus induction in these species of mentha from different explants source. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0877-0883
Belkacem Daoudi, Kouider Cherifi, Fathi Abdellatif Belhouadjeb & Amar Khadoumi
The effect of phytoecological factors on the natural regeneration of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Miller, 1768) in semiarid zones
The aim of our study is to define the factors influencing the natural regeneration of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Miller, 1768) in the Mediterranean forest, particularly in the most important forest (massif of Senalba Chargui) in Algeria, characterized by its semi-arid climate. Stratified and subjective sampling are adopted in our work; stratified sampling makes it possible to obtain representative stations for the various existing ecological situations. We divided our study area into 4 stations according to the massif, the slope exposure and the type of the soil. For every station, subjective sampling method is used to install temporary observation plots; we installed in our study stations seventy (70) temporary plots, and the plot is a circular sampling unit that covers an area of 400 square meter. In each plot, a phytoecological survey was carried out to determine the environmental parameters, such as altitude, the slope exposure, lithology, anthropic influence (pasture and cutting); as well as other factors related to the structure of the vegetation, such as the second and third dominant species, overall and per-stratum cover and the elements of the soil cover. We used principal component analysis (PCA) to identify the homogeneous sample plots (compared to the regeneration), descriptive statistics, and the correlation coefficient. The number of seedlings per square meter varies between 0 and 0.23, and there are several factors affecting these results. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0885-0894
Hadj Habib Houari, Mohammed El-Amine Bendaha, Mohammed Mokaddem, Ahmed Megharbi, Ali Cherif Djendara & Ali Latreche
Chemical composition of essential oils of Juniperus phoenicea L. (Cupressales Cupressaceae) from two localities in West-Algeria
The Phoenician juniper, Juniperus phoenicea L. (Cupressales Cupressaceae) fits between steppe formations at low altitudes (coastal dunes) and forest formations. Our work consists in contributing to the study of the phytochemical screening of the essential oils of J. phoenicea collected from two sites: the first in inland Mountains (continental), Djebel Mekther Wilaya of Naama, and the second in coastal area, Stedia Wilaya Mostaganem, in western Algeria. The essential oils of the aerial part of the dried plant, obtained by hydro distillation, revealed significant yields of 0.329% and 0.283%, respectively, Djebel Mekther and Stedia. The results of the GC/MS chromatographic analysis of the two essential oils possess a large chemical variation with 64 constituents representing more than 72.5% for the Stedia sample and 77.3% for the sample of Djebel Mekther, were identified. A comparison was made between essential oil components of J. phoenicea in our two regions and 14 samples from the literature. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) reveals a significant chemical variability making it possible to define three types of chemical profiles of J. phoenicea and we have a significant dissimilarity between the samples of Djebel Mekther all the other regions. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0895-0916
Gianfranco Curletti & Uitsiann Ong
Contribution to knowledge of the genus Agrilus Curtis, 1825 of Taiwan. Part 2 (Coleoptera Buprestidae)
Our second contribution concerning the Agrilus Curtis, 1825 (Coleoptera Buprestidae) of Taiwan in which 15 new species and 2 new subspecies are described: A. iustusventer n. sp., A. dioptasius n. sp., A. chen n. sp., A. exophthalmus n. sp., A. polydeukes n. sp., A. valdedotatus n. sp., A. nasutus n. sp., A. baolai n. sp., A. dapan n. sp., A. lulinshan n. sp., A. dahanshan n. sp., A. takaharui n. sp., A. mica n. sp., A. attalicus n. sp., A. pericles n. sp., A. yakushimensis remotus n. ssp., A. esakii pudicus n. ssp. For each of these, photos of dorsal, ventral bodies and aedeagus are provided. Each entity is compared with species considered morphologically more similar. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0917-0948
Krista van der Linde, Ingrid N. Visser, Sarah E. Richard, Tracy E. Cooper, Terry M. Hardie & Rick Bout
Troubled waters: A case study of cohabitation conflicts for a leopard seal, Hydrurga leptonyx de Blainville, 1820 (Mammalia Phocidae) in northern New Zealand
The >9.5-year residency of an adult female leopard seal, Hydrurga leptonyx de Blainville, 1820 (Mammalia Phocidae) in New Zealand (NZ) provided an opportunity to investigate this species in the framework of human-wildlife conflicts and management. We examined >2,000 sighting records and collated observations of this leopard seal. We qualitatively describe conflicts originating from both the humans and leopard seal’s perspectives. Humans created conflicts for the leopard seal by providing misinformation about the species (and therefore negatively influencing public perception), making proposals or threats to disturb/harm, and causing inconvenience, tension, disputes, disturbance and harm to her. Conversely, the leopard seal created conflicts for humans including, causing inconveniences, tension, damage to property and disturbance. Short-term mitigation tools along with longer-term preventive strategies to reduce, mitigate and/or eliminate these conflicts are provided and we recommend that the NZ Government Authorities, who are legally mandated to protect the species, take the lead in implementing these in collaboration with stakeholders. Implementation of these tools and strategies, in a proactive rather than reactive manner, will assist with protection and management of leopard seals in all areas where they cohabitate with humans (both within NZ and internationally). -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0949-0954
Zulfiyya Mammadova
Development dynamics of coenopopulations of the species Caragana grandıflora (M. Bieb.) DC. (Fabales Fabaceae) in the Republic of Azerbaijan
During the study, the coenopopulations of the species Caragana grandiflora (M. Bieb.) DC. (Fabales Fabaceae) found in the flora of Azerbaijan were evaluated in Caraganetum and Caraganeta-Pistacetum-Juniperusosum formations. As a result of observations, it was noted that no young type of coenopopulation was found in the coenopopulations, and the viability and dynamics were at a low level. During the study, an evaluation was carried out according to IUCN criteria, and species C. Grandiflora was determined to be in danger of extinction, and it was classified as “Critically Endangered” (CR). -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0955-0967
Ignazio Sparacio, Salvatore Surdo, Salvatore Pasta, Rocco Lo Duca & Tommaso La Mantia
Past and current distribution of Charaxes jasius jasius (Linnaeus, 1767) (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae) in Sicily in relation to its host plant, Arbutus unedo L. (Ericaceae)
The authors provide an updated overview of the past and present regional distribution of the two-tailed Pasha Charaxes jasius jasius (Linnaeus, 1767) (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae) and its host plant, the strawberry tree Arbutus unedo L. Most of the occurrence data reported in the entomological literature was confirmed, and several new populations have been recently discovered. The distribution pattern of the insect and its host plant overlap almost perfectly. C. jasius jasius is more abundant and forms large and stable populations on the Peloritani Mts. and in some areas of the Madonie Mountains. The high number of new records of C. jasius jasius suggests that the species is experiencing a spreading phase, but the reasons behind this trend are still unexplained and need further field research and monitoring activities. The recent increase of its populations may depend on the current protection of many forest and pre-forest communities hosting the strawberry trees. -
Biodiversity Journal, 13 (4): 0969-0980
Brixi Gormat Nassima, Bekhiche Khouloud, Hadj Ali Nour El Houda, Azza Hena & Hennache Fatima Zahra
Antioxidant and in vitro anti-inflammatory activities of the crude extracts of Bunium pachypodum P.W. Ball (Apiales Apiaceae) tubers from Alger
The objective of present study is to valorize different extracts (aqueous, ethanol and acetone) of the tubers of Bunium pachypodum P.W. Ball (Apiales Apiaceae) plant, by carrying out a phytochemical screening, and determine total phenolic and flavonoid contents, then evaluate the antioxidant activity by DPPH method (2, 2-diphenyl 1-1picrylhydrazyl) and FRAP (Ferric reducing antioxidant power), as well as the anti-inflammatory activity by stabilization method of human red blood cells and inhibition human albumin protein denaturation method. Phytochemical analysis of extracts showed presence for the presence of flavonoids, quinones, reducing sugars and saponins. Comparison between the extracts showed that aqueous extract exhibited the highest total polyphenols and flavonoids contents, followed by ethanol extract. The antioxidant activity evaluated through the DPPH assay showed that acetone extract was the more active, followed by aqueous extract, but lower active than the control (ascorbic acid). In contrast, it is the aqueous extract that has shown the most important reducing power. However, no significant difference was observed between the three extracts. At 1000 μg/ml, aqueous extract showed the most significant anti-hemolytic activity with 54%, and at the concentration of 500μg/ml, it showed 70.19% inhibition of albumin denaturation, statistically similar (P > 0.05) to that of the reference anti-inflammatory drug.
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