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Biodiversity Journal 2019, 10 (4): 305-608
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 305-306Amedeo Falci
Muscari gussonei (Parl.) Nyman (Asparagaceae)
https://doi.org/10.31396/Biodiv.Jour.2019.10.4.I.II -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 307-314
Rubens Pasa, Caroliny Helena Moreira Fernandes, Renan Rodrigues Rocha & Karine Frehner Kavalco
Distribution and morphological diversity of Astyanax rivularis Lütken, 1874 (Teleostei Characiformes) in the upper São Francisco River basin, Brazil
Astyanax S.F. Baird et Girard, 1854 (Teleostei Characiformes) is one of the most well characterized of the neotropical ichthyofauna and is composed of fish with great ability to adapt to different environmental conditions and a wide spectrum of interaction in fish assemblages due to its structure and population density. This study presents the geographical distribution and morphological diversity of Astyanax rivularis Lütken, 1874, a fish historically complex and extremely diverse, in tributary streams of the left side of upper São Francisco River. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 315-320
Abdenour Kheloufi, Lahouaria Mounia Mansouri & Rabeh Belatreche
Coexistence of Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae) on the Milkweed Pergularia tomentosa L. (Asclepiadaceae) in Aïn Naga (Biskra, Algeria)
A butterfly species, Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae), also known as African Queen, is recorded for the first time in the arid region of Aïn Naga (Biskra, Algeria). Adults of D. chrysippus were recorded in a survey from October 2018 to February 2019 on their host plant Pergularia tomentosa (Milkweed) (Asclepiadaceae). Additional data on the life cycle and behavior of this species are given. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 321-324
Giovanni Paolino, Raffaella Scotti & Mauro Grano
First detection of the “flowerpot snake” Indotyphlops braminus (Daudin, 1803) (Serpentes Typhlopidae) in Ischia (Italy): a new possible invasive species
Indotyphlops braminus (Daudin, 1803) (Serpentes Typhlopidae), also known as “flowerpot snake”, is a small subterranean blind snake, which holds the widest distribution on the globe. This species, by taking usually refuge in pot plants, has been indirectly transported by humans via the main trade routes. Close to Europe, I. braminus has been reported in Macronesia (Canary Islands and Madeira) and Northern Africa; while in Europe it has been detected in the Balearic Islands (specifically in Mallorca) and one population was also found in the Province of Almería, in the southern Iberian peninsula. Up to date, no further reports were made in Europe. With this note, we report the first Italian observation of I. braminus, specifically in Ischia Island. As for other alien species, an early detection of allochthonous populations plays a pivotal role to activate specific and useful management strategies. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 325-328
Naoto Jimi, Atsushi Yamaguchi & Yoshihiro Fujiwara
Morphological and genetic confirmation of extensive distribution of a pelagic polychaete Poeobius meseres Heath, 1930 (Annelida Flabelligeridae)
A pelagic polychaete, Poeobius meseres Heath, 1930 (Anellida Flabelligeridae), is mainly known from California, Northeast Pacific, and is well studied in the region. However, little is known from Northwest Pacific, which is needed for understanding its biodiversity and accurate distribution. We report morphological and genetic data of this species collected off Tohoku, Japan and off the Aleutian Islands, USA, and confirm ITS extensive distribution (over 4000 km). -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 329-336
Davide Vancheri, Andrea Tetamo, Stefano Reale, Eugenia Oliveri & Gabriele Ciaccio
Melissopalinological study of Sicilian honey by morphological and molecoular approach
With the Legislative Decree n.179 of 21 May 2004 on the unifloral honey’s characteristics and with the CEE regulation 2081/92 of DOP denomination (from protect origin), scientific investigations in the agri-food sector started to occupy a prominent position with increasing importance. This area of investigation has been considerably deepened, becoming fundamental in order to consider this term valid, as it is also fundamental for investigation on production chain and denomination, made on various types of products. The morpho-genetic characterization analysis of pollen from honeys, made in the present work, lands itself well to this purpose; with the aim of ascertaining the validity of the wording of “unifloral” applied to some products from the beekeeping industry. Since the implications to which the investigations in the agri-food sector lead to cover not only the purely scientific-agronomic, but also the legal field, it follows the importance of an increasingly scientifically accurate methodology that also allows a faster processing of the sample. The protocol commonly used for pollen characterization of honeys is based on the visual recognition of the pollen present in the sample, their count and statistical analysis of the data obtained. Our method, using Real Time PCR technology, allows a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the pollen species inherent in the sample, thus allowing a fast and accurate analysis of the data that lends itself well to assist the classical research based on visual recognition of pollen. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 337-342
Danilo Scuderi & Alfio Viola
The last alien reaching Sicily: Isognomon legumen (Gmelin, 1791) (Mollusca Bivalvia Isognomonidae)
The finding of some living specimens of an alien bivalve of the genus Isognomon Lightfoot, 1786 (Mollusca Bivalvia Isognomonidae) attached to rocks is here reported in Sicily for the first time. This is the last of a series of numerous finding of alien molluscs reports in the same area, for which a human-mediated model was supposed. An attempt to indicate the age of the specimens are here furnished on the basis of the number of byssus filaments. Some further environmental notes underline how in recent times these alien species seem better integrated inside the indigenous benthic communities in the Southern Mediterranean coasts, being better allowed in the first settlement by the recent climatic changes and resulting ecologically well organized and structured as in the tropical environments of provenance. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 343-352
Aouicha Haddou-Dekhir, Yacine Boutiba, Sihem Abid-Kachour, Fatima Zohra Khelil-Radji & Mohamed Bouderbala
The benthic stands of the soft and rocky substrates of the Paloma Island, Algeria
The Oran coastal zone (Algeria) is distinguished by a remarkable wealth of habitat and species (Posidonia meadow, coralligenous groupers, and endemic seaweed). This work has allowed us to inventory and identify one hundred (100) macrobenthic species of soft substrates and 65 macrobenthic species of rocky substrates. The contents of the different grain size fractions show a homogeneity between the four stations with a trimodal sand dominated by coarse sand (diameter = 0.08–10 mm). The distribution of these species was mapped using the System of Geographic Information (GIS). Finally, the computation of the Shannon-Wiener (H) and Simpson (Si) indices of the rocky and soft substrates of this study area reveal an average ecological richness with a high biological diversity. It is necessary to undertake annual monitoring of macrobenthos through a wider investigation of several sites and stations in a longitudinal and vertical distribution. The “overall biological quality” index will be calculated and refined in order to rank the different sites by establishing specific in- dices for each site. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 353-358
Nardjess Benamar
Some parameters of growth, mortality and exploitation rate of round sardinella, Sardinella aurita Valencienne, 1847 (Pisces Clupeidae), fished in Oran bay (Algeria)
Growth and mortality parameters of Sardinella aurita Valencienne, 1847 (Pisces Clupeidae) were estimated based on length frequency distribution data. A total of 894 sardinella were collected between march 2008 and March 2009, from Oran bay (Algeria). The parameter b in the present study (W = a. Ltb ) is 3.1 and indicates that S. aurita had major allometric growth. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated by using the software FISAT II and showed that the asymptotic length (L ∞) is = 34.21 cm for females and 33.68 cm for males. The growth coefficient (K) is 0.47(1/year) for females and 0.39(1/year) for males. The value of total instantaneous rate of mortality (Z) is 2.41 and the natural mortality rate (M) is 0.79. The fishing mortality was obtained by F=Z - M = 1.62 year -1. The exploitation rate (E) is 0.67 year -1 and indicates that the stock of S. aurita from Oran waters is in overexploitation state. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 359-364
Carlo Smriglio, Paolo Mariottini & Frank Swinnen
Jujubinus silbogomerus n. sp. (Gastropoda Trochidae) from the Canary Islands, Atlantic Ocean
Based on shell characters, a new species of the gastropod family Trochidae, Jujubinus silbogomerus n. sp., is described from the Atlantic Ocean. The new taxon is known from the type locality only, the Canary Islands. It was compared with the most closely related species of this geographical area as well as with the Atlantic and Mediterranean Jujubinus Monterosato, 1884 showing marked sculpture. The peculiar morphology of the teleoconch microsculpture and sculpture of this new taxon allows an easy identification. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 365-368
Salvatore Giacobbe, Medea Lo Piccolo & Giuseppe Scaduto
Forty-seven years later: the blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 (Crustacea Decapoda Portunidae) reappears in the Strait of Messina (Sicily, Italy)
The second record of the invasive blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 (Crustacea Decapoda Portunidae) from the Strait of Messina has been reported, forty-seven years after the first record in this area. The specimen, a large-sized adult female, was collected in the Capo Peloro Lagoon, a natural reserve whose brackish waters represent a highly favorable environment for this euryhaline opportunistic species. The actual possibility that C. sapidus may settle in the Lagoon should be carefully evaluated, and a mitigation strategy, involving selective removal of pioneer specimens, timely envisaged. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 371-372 - MONOGRAPHAlfredo Petralia
Introduction. Considerations on the 4th International Congress on Biodiversity “Man, Natural Habitats and Euro-Mediterranean Biodiversity”
https://doi.org/10.31396/Biodiv.Jour.2019.10.4.371.372 -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 373-382 - MONOGRAPH
Marco Masseti
Terrestrial mammals of the satellite islands of Sardinia (Italy)
The mammalian fauna of the satellite islands and islets of Sardinia (Italy) is still imperfectly known. Only few data are available for some of them, while several others are still almost regarded as terra incognita. Complete information on the extant non-volant terrestrial mammals is available only for Asinara, Tavolara, and Molara, whereas historical and present data are available on the mammals of San Pietro. Further information on the non-flying taxa occasionally appears in specialised literature. At present, 15 species occur in the circum-Sardinian archipelagos. Only 6 of them, however, have been reported from the largest island, San Pietro, whereas the smaller Asinara hots at least 13 species, excluding local domestic breed such as the dwarf donkey. Data on the distribution of chiropters have been provided by a few studies carried out over time. Of the 21 species of bats found in Sardinia, at least 11 were recorded from the small islands. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 383-388 - MONOGRAPH
Anna Maria Mannino & Paolo Balistreri
Effects of Caulerpa cylindracea Sonder (Chlorophyta Caulerpaceae) on marine biodiversity
The chief purpose of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is biodiversity conservation. The effects that invasive alien species (IAS) have on MPAs are not yet fully known, even though assessing them is fundamental. Effective management plans, indeed, also require knowledge on the distribution, spread dynamics and impact of IAS. We report first observations on the effects of Caulerpa cylindracea Sonder (Chlorophyta Caulerpaceae) on the communities living along the coasts of the Island of Favignana (Egadi Islands MPA, Sicily, Italy). We found that C. cylindracea may have negative effects on the habitat where it settles in two different ways: a) affecting the structure of the native algal community which presents a low diversity, and b) favouring the settlement of other alien species such as Branchiomma bairdi (McIntosh, 1885) (Polychaeta Sabellidae). -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 389-404 - MONOGRAPH
Giambattista Bello
The Mediterranean Sepiolidae (Mollusca Cephalopoda) diversity
Sepiolidae (Mollusca Cephalopoda) is the most diverse cephalopod family in the Mediterranean Sea, where 17 species of this taxon have been identified. In the present review, the updated list of the Mediterranean sepiolids is given along with the species type locality, the first documented record in this basin and the present geographical distribution. The exclusion of Sepiola atlantica and Heteroteuthis atlantis - species that have been reported in the Mediterranean but whose presence is not warranted - from the list is also explained. Moreover, patently erroneous information about the bathymetric and geographical distributions of Sepiola rondeletii is revised. The extreme rarity of Sepiola aurantiaca and the comparatively recent entrance into the Mediterranean and establishment of Stoloteuthis leucoptera are discussed. The genesis of the Mediterranean sepiolid-fauna, in relation to the NE Atlantic fauna, is dealt with and, in particular, the reasons that determined its comparatively broad diversity are examined. They are to be traced back to both the mode of life and reproductive biology of these small-sized cephalopods. In connection with the latter matter, the high degree of endemism in the subfamily Sepiolinae is also explained. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 405-408 - MONOGRAPH
Danilo Scuderi, Alberto Villari & Massimiliano Angelico
Massive beaching record along the sandy coast of Catania (E-Sicily) of the rare “mole crab” Albunea carabus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Decapoda Anomura Hippoidea)
After a winter storm, with sirocco wind, hundreds of specimens of the “mole crab” Albunea carabus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Decapoda Anomura Hippoidea) were beached along the sandy coast of “Playa” Catania (E-Sicily). Even though this species was previously recorded in some scattered localities of the Mediterranean, among which a couple were found in Sicily, the present record appears relevant on account of the massive finding of specimens, which is a quite rare event according to literature data. Considerations on the reasons of this wide beaching complete the present note. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 409-414 - MONOGRAPH
Danilo Scuderi, Alberto Villari & Alfio Viola
New taxonomical and biological observations on Jujubinus seguenzae Ghisotti et Melone, 1975 (Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Trochidae)
The study of numerous shells in the collection of the Authors and the finding of new material, among which a single living specimen, some kilometers South to the known geographical area of distribution, allowed us a better accurate morphological study of the shell, the protoconch shape and sculpture and the anatomy and color pattern of the external soft parts. Thus new data allowed to enlarge its geographical distribution and the current taxonomical status of the species. Comparisons with shell and soft parts of similar congeners are made. In particular, differences between Jujubinus seguenzae Ghisotti et Melone, 1975 and the main “morphs” of J. striatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Trochidae) will be underlined and the possibility that this last taxon would be better re-defined on the basis of the original materials is discussed. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 415-426 - MONOGRAPH
Danilo Scuderi, Paolo Balistreri & Alfio Germanà
Are Pinctada radiata (Leach, 1814) and Pinctada fucata (Gould, 1850) (Bivalvia Pteriidae) only synonyms or really different species? The case of some Mediterranean populations
The earliest reported alien species that entered the Mediterranean after only nine years from the inauguration of the Suez Canal was “Meleagrina” sp., which was subsequently identified as the Gulf pearl-oyster, Pinctada radiata (Leach, 1814) (Bivalvia Pteriidae). Thereafter, an increasing series of records of this species followed. In fact, nowadays it can be considered a well-established species throughout the Mediterranean basin. Since the Red Sea isthmus was considered to be the only natural way of migration, nobody has ever doubted about the name to be assigned to the species, P. radiata, since this was the only Pinctada Röding, 1798 cited in literature for the Mediterranean Sea. Taxonomy of Pinctada is complicated since it lacks precise constant morphological characteristics to distinguish one species from the others. Thus, distribution and specimens location are particularly important since different species mostly live in different geographical areas. Some researchers also used a molecular phylogenetic approach, but the results were discordant. This taxonomic conundrum was re-examined this time applying morphological taxonomy. Increasing vessel traffic and records of vast amounts of Pinctada specimens with morphologically different shells led us to formulate the hypothesis that a separate Pinctada population of different geographical provenance could be present. Specimens were grouped according to the site of collection in the Mediterranean basin. Results from these morphological studies confirmed that, according to us, there were two distinct species, P. radiata and P. fucata (Gould, 1850). Morphological comments and interpretations on the taxonomical status of both species together with auto-ecological notes and a literature review of the molecular phylogenetic studies conducted will be here presented. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 427-430 - MONOGRAPH
Annalisa Guercio, Santina Di Bella, Giusi Macaluso, Patrizia Di Marco, Maria Piazza, Laura Russotto, Stefano Vullo, Francesco Mira & Giuseppa Purpari
The Biobank of the “Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale” of Sicily (Italy): an important resource in medical research for safe and quality storage of biological specimens
The “Biobanca del Mediterraneo” (BBM) has been recently developed at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale (IZS) of Sicily in Palermo, with the aim to collect and store under standard conditions and in a centralized system several types of certified animal and zoonotic biological resources (bacterial and viral strains, parasites, nucleic acids, positive/negative sera, cell cultures, tissues) in accordance to Quality System procedures as regulated by UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. Presently, biological material from the OIE Reference Laboratories and National Reference Centres of the IZS of Sicily are being stored. Before storage, selection and cataloging of the most representative biological material collected from the Institutes’ laboratories is performed. The “Biobanca del Mediterraneo”, together with four other IZSs (IZS Emilia Romagna e Lombardia, IZS Piemonte, Liguria e Valle d’Aosta, IZS Venezie e IZS Abruzzo e Molise), is part of the Network of “Biobanche Veterinarie”, recognised as "OIE Collaborative Center for Veterinary Biological Biobank" by the “Office International des Epizooties” (OIE). The objectives of the Biobank are the promotion and implementation of collaborations with the scientific community in order to harmonize and standardize bio-banking practices and the development of scientific and technological research to provide services to both the scientific and business world. In fact, collected samples can be used for diagnosis, research, vaccine and drug production, epidemiological studies and other applications. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 431-436 - MONOGRAPH
Giuseppa Purpari, Giusi Macaluso, Santina Di Bella, Francesco Mira, Vincenza Cannella, Francesca Gucciardi, Alessandra Castiglia, Patrizia Di Marco & Annalisa Guercio
Viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER) in Mediterranean wild and farmed fish species: the experience of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale of Sicily (Italy)
Betanodavirus infection is widespread in a broad spectrum of fish species worldwide. In Italy, it is responsible for outbreaks of Viral Encephalo-Retinopathy (VER) that causes mortality and economic losses in sea fish farming. The infection is also widespread in wildlife, where there are generally no observed clinical manifestations. In this study we report the results obtained from the decennial activity of Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale of Sicily on the research of Betanodavirus infection in wild fish of Mediterranean Sea and in farmed fish. Among the fish species analyzed, Gobius niger (Linnaeus, 1758), Mullus barbatus (Linnaeus, 1758), and Trisopterus minutus capelanus (Lacepède, 1800) were found positive and these could be a reservoir in which the virus can survive for long periods of time. The Betanodavirus isolation from pelagic species such as Pagellus erythrinus (Linnaeus, 1758), Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792), Lepidopus caudatus (Euphrasen, 1788), Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834), Epinephelus aeneus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817) resulted interesting because these species could play a more significant epidemiological role, being able to move even at distances. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 437-444 - MONOGRAPH
Giuseppa Purpari, Santina Di Bella, Francesca Gucciardi, Francesco Mira, Santino Barreca, Laura Di Paola, Giusi Macaluso, Patrizia Di Marco & Annalisa Guercio
Detection of human enteric viruses in water and shellfish samples collected in Sicily (Italy)
Enteric viruses are responsible for foodborne and waterborne infections caused by contaminated food products and water, affecting a large number of people. Among the foods an important role is played by shellfish, on the ground that they can be eaten raw or undercooked. Data on food and water viral contamination in South of Italy are scarce and fragmentary. As illnesses result from the failure to control an hazard, the aim of this study was to detect the main pathogenic human enteric viruses in the environment, for evaluating the presence of viral contamination in shellfish and water samples collected in South of Italy (Sicily). The survey was conducted over a period of five years (2012–2016) on 16 water samples (sea waters, pipe waters and torrent water), and 72 fresh and frozen shellfishes from harvesting areas, restaurants, and markets during regional official control or checked at Veterinary Border Inspection Posts. Hepatitis A virus (HAV), GI and GII genogroup Norwalk virus (NoVs), Adenovirus and Rotavirus were detected by nucleic acid amplification (end-point and Real Time PCR/RTPCR) and sequence analysis. The most frequently detected viruses in shellfish were GI NoV (16.7%) and HAV (18.0%). Of the 16 water samples 12.5% were positive for GII NoV and 6.2% for RoV. Molecular surveillance of water and shellfish clearly demonstrated that human pathogenic viruses are widely found in aquatic environments and confirmed the role of bivalve molluscs as main reservoirs. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 445-450 - MONOGRAPH
Viviana Giangreco, Tiziana Lupo, Ignazio Sammarco, Maurizio Bivona, Gabriele Ciaccio, Luca Sineo & Stefano Reale
Genetic database development for the characterisation of Sicilian sheep population
The most representative sheep in Sicily are Belicina, Comisana, Pinzirita, Barbaresca and the crossbred derived sheep from all this species. In this study, the allelic frequencies of the Sicilian sheep population were investigated. It currently represents the best way to determine the genetic identity and/or family even with limited amounts of sample or when the DNA is degraded. The aim of the study was to provide a reference data bank and to evaluate a microsatellite panel for pedigree analysis as suggested by the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG). There are various studies on European sheep, but few datasets were developed on the population of Sicilian sheep. The reference database will include allele frequencies at each locus and will determine genetic parameters for Sicilian ovine species selection. Our results indicated that Hardy Weinberg equilibrium was not always maintained. These results could be explained by a non-random mating. The database is useful to investigate the relationship, the parentage the meat traceability and in disease control programs. The standardized panels of allele frequencies represent a molecular fingerprinting characterizing the subjects with very high definition level and can be useful to control all the livestock. The parentage identification could be important for the veterinary police to investigate the theft or the animal substitutions in the Sicilian farms. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 451-456 - MONOGRAPH
Eugenia Oliveri, Davide Vancheri, Andrea Tetamo, Alessia Galanti, Pierluigi Ferina, Mariella Piazza & Stefano Reale
Creation of a pollen database for Mediterranean flowering plants
Palynology is the science that studies pollen grains (size, morphology, structure, function, ornamentation, physical and chemical properties), the carriers that transport the male gametes to the pistil (more precisely to the stigma) allowing the fertilization of the eggs. In seed plants pollens represent an extra generation (haploid generation), the widely reduced male gametophyte. During the pollen release phase, the pollen grains separate completely from the plant (diploid generation, or sporophyte) in an attempt to reach the female flower to allow the release of genetic material and, therefore, the fertilization of the egg. Pollens possess many varieties of shapes, sizes, designs, ornamentations, openings with variable shapes and numbers that can be observed by optical microscopy and that have a high systematic value. Each botanical species has pollens with unique characteristics that allow their identification. Palynology is widely used as an extremely important tool in various types of studies and investigations, such as paleobotany, forensic investigations, melissopalynology, studies on the biodiversity of precise geographical areas, identification of cases of introduction of non-native species and identification of hybridization between species. For these reasons the creation of a pollen database could be a particularly efficient and useful tool. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 457-461 - MONOGRAPH
Maria Flaminia Persichetti, Viviana Giangreco, Antonio Gentile, Tiziana Lupo, Gabriele Ciaccio & Santo Caracappa
Molecular barcoding applied to the Mediterranean turtles biological matrices (Reptilia Cheloniidae)
Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758) together with Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) is the most representative Cheloniidae species in the Mediterranean basin. Currently, at the National Reference Centre in the “Istituto Zooprofilattico” of Sicily (Italy), damaged subjects are rehabilitated before they are released again. Clinical, physiological and molecular parameters were collected from each subject. We analysed 46 turtles which samples were collected. Species specific Cytochrome oxidase I sequences for the identification of marine turtle species were obtained. Barcoding is a new tool of classical taxonomy that allows the characterisation of living species and the differentiation of very morphologically similar species. It is a practical tool that can be used in cases of damaged samples and is also useful for taxonomical characterisation of specimen at immature development stages. In our region, in the centre of the Mediterranean area, we represent a reference centre for injured animals both stranded on the beach and captured in offshore.Turtles caught in fishing lines generally retain the fishing hooks in their throat or oesophagus, as visible by X-ray investigations. After the cure and samples collection, the animals are released into the sea. The polymorphisms could be related to the geographical distance of the turtles following different routes during their life. The large-scale sequencing of a single or few genes in taxonomic studies, denominated by species barcoding, aims at offering a practical method for species identification, as well as for providing insights into the evolutionary diversification of life. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 463-464 - MONOGRAPH
Gianluigi Maria Lo Dico, Antonello Cicero, Valentina Cumbo, Francesca Ornella Assiria, Giuseppe Giusto, Andrea Macaluso, Barbara Randisi, Francesco Giuseppe Galluzzo, Michele Chetta, Gaetano Cammilleri, Rosaria Collura, Stefania Graci, Maria Drussilla Buscemi, Antonio Vella & Vincenzo Ferrantelli
Investigation on the presence of Dioxins in the Sicilian Sheep’s milk
Our studies were conducted in 2016 and several sicilian sheep farms were involved. The goal of this research was to evaluate the possible use of sheep as a “sentinel” body to be used as a biological indicator for environmental biomonitoring of dioxins. For the determination of dioxins in sheep’s milk was used a method on high-resolution gas chromatography along with a high resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS) in order to evaluate the existence of dioxins with concentrations exceeding the limits imposed by the EC Regulation 1881/2006. A total of 200 samples were analyzed, of which 14 samples exceeded the limits imposed by the EC Regulation 1881/2006: 3.0 pg/g fat sum of dioxins (WHO.PCDD/F-TEQ). It is conceivable that the proximity to high anthropization areas and industrialization, may have a positive influence on the propagation of dioxins in the environment having been detected values exceeding the allowed limit. The samples with low dioxin concentrations were analyzed, with values not exceeding the prescribed limit. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 465-468 - MONOGRAPH
Stefania Graci, Rosaria Collura, Maria Drussilla Buscemi, Antonella Costa, Gaetano Cammilleri, Valentina Cumbo, Giuseppe Giangrosso, Michele Chetta, Antonello Cicero, Antonio Vella, Andrea Macaluso & Vincenzo Ferrantelli
Detection of Anisakidae larvae in fish products commercialized in Sicily
In this work a total of 1331 fish samples belonging to 15 species (Engraulis encrasicolus, Alaccia aurita, Loligo vulgaris, Trigla lyra, Conger conger, Merluccius merluccius, Zeus faber, Lophius piscatorius, Sardina pilchardus, Lepidopus caudatus, Scorpaena scrofa, Scomber scombrus, Trachurus trachurus, Todarodes sagittatus, Trachinus draco) from Sicilian commercialized in Sicily (FAO 37, FAO 37.1.3, FAO 37.1.1, FAO 37.2.2, FAO 37.3, FAO27, FAO 41, FAO87), were examined for the detection of Anisakidae larvae and molecular identification. The fish samples were examined for the research of nematodes by visual inspection and digestion method according to the EC Regulation 2075/2005. Detected larvae were subjected to morphological identification through the optical microscopy. Subsequently, the DNA was extracted and the molecular identification of the larvae was conducted by RFLP-PCR of the nuclear ITS region (ITS-1, ITS-2 and 5.8 S subunit). The polymerase chain reactions targeting the cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (cox2) was performed and subjected to sequence reaction. A number of 370 larvae have been identified at species level, of which 330 belong to the Anisakis pegreffii, 23 to the Anisakis simplex sensu strictu, 6 to the recombinant genotype Anisakis pegreffii/simplex s. s., 1 to Anisakis physeteris and 10 to Hysterothylacium fabri. The data obtained provide interesting reflections on the presence of parasites belonging to the Anisakidae family in fishery products marketed in the Sicilian territory. These findings are an excellent tool for assessing and preventing possible risks due to the consumption of these products. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 469-470 - MONOGRAPH
Luigi Maria Mammina, Gianluigi Maria Lo Dico, Claudio Fiorista, Pietro Sposito, Innocenzo Ezio Giangrosso, Valentina Cumbo, Michele Chetta, Andrea Macaluso, Gaetano Cammilleri, Rosaria Collura, Stefania Graci, Maria Drussilla Buscemi, Antonio Vella & Vincenzo Ferrantelli
Sulphite’s determination of Mediterranean Red Shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea), in ionic chromatografy
In the red shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea), sulphites are added because they block the activity of an enzymatic complex responsible of shrimp’s browing and maintain the aesthetic and commercial characteristics. An ionic chromatography after rapid distillation method was carried out for the quantitative determination of sulfites in food products. On 100 samples, only 0.7% were below the detection limit, 12.7% were above the limit allowed by law, 86.6% of samples were below the maximum permitted by law. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 471-473 - MONOGRAPH
Gianluigi Maria Lo Dico, Antonello Cicero, Giovanni Lo Cascio, Valentina Cumbo, Francesca Ornella Assiria, Andrea Macaluso, Gaetano Cammilleri, Rosa Filippi, Francesco Giuseppe Galluzzo, Barbara Randisi, Rosaria Collura, Vita Giaccone, Stefania Graci, Maria Drussilla Buscemi, Antonio Vella & Vincenzo Ferrantelli
Use of terrestrial gastropods (Cornu aspersum) as bioindicators of the environmental contamination status of the Sicilian Natural Parks to assess the contamination status of the pastures
The use of land molluscs in biomonitoring can evidence interactions between the contaminant and the biotic sphere. The concentration of heavy metals were determined by ICP-MS. In areas where anthropic and industrial contamination persist, heavy metal levels were above the quantification limit; sampling in agricultural areas shows lower levels of heavy metals. The same trend of results can be found for the analysis of IPAs. Snails can be considered as bioindicators of pollutants living in close contact with the soil and ingesting plants with a high concentration of contaminants. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 475-478 - MONOGRAPH
Gaetano Cammilleri, Stefania Graci, Maria Drussilla Buscemi, Rosaria Collura, Antonella Costa, Gianluigi Maria Lo Dico, Francesca Ornella Assiria, Michele Chetta, Innocenzo Ezio Giangrosso, Francesco Giuseppe Galluzzo, Valentina Cumbo, Antonio Vella, Andrea Pulvirenti & Vincenzo Ferrantelli
New report of Anikasis larvae from Blunthead Puffer, Sphoeroides pachygaster caught off Strait of Sicily
Aim of the present paper was to report and identify by morphological and molecular methods the presence of anisakid L3 larvae found in 7 specimens of Sphoeroides pachygaster caught off Strait of Sicily from 2012 and 2015. Nematode larvae (n=9) were collected from three fish samples: the larvae were morphologically identified as belonging to the genus Anisakis Type I and, stored in 70% ethanol, were underwent molecular identification at species level by PCR- RFLP analysis of the rDNA (ITS-1, 5.8S gene, and ITS-2) region. Sequencing of ITS regions and comparison with sequences in GenBank were also performed. The parasites were molecular identified as belonging to A. pegreffii that is the predominant species in Mediterranean Sea. This is a new report of Anisakis sp. in S. pachygaster. The blunthead puffer Sphoeroides pachygaster is a fish species of Atlantic origin: in the last years there are indeed numerous reports of this alien fish species in the Mediterranean included Italian Seas. The presence of the species Anisakis pegreffii may support the hypothesis of complete adaptation of S. pachygaster in the Mediterranean Sea. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 479-480 - MONOGRAPH
Antonio Vella, Graziella Graci, Francesco Olibrio, Valentina Cumbo, Antonello Cicero, Daniele Di Salvo, Giulia Caracappa & Vincenzo Ferrantelli
Presence of Ocratoxin (OTA) in wine produced in Sicily (Italy)
Ocratoxin (OTA) occurs naturally in different foodstuffs, including grapes and their derivatives. OTA is a secondary fungal metabolite produced naturally by Aspergillus and Penicillium species. The purpose of this work was to estimate the occurrence of OTA in wine produced in Sicily to obtain a risk assessment of these substances. A total of 470 wine samples were quantitatively analysed by screening analysis method based on immunoenzymatic assay (ELISA) for ochratoxin. Results confirmed the presence of contamination by OTA in only one sample of red wine “Nero D’Avola” from south-oriental Sicily. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 481-484 - MONOGRAPH
Gianluigi Maria Lo Dico, Antonello Cicero, Licia Pantano, Giuseppe Giangrosso, Ignazio Munna, Andrea Pulvirenti, Francesca Ornella Assiria, Vincenza Lo Verde, Andrea Macaluso, Gaetano Cammilleri, Valentina Cumbo, Rosaria Collura, Stefania Graci, Maria Drussilla Buscemi, Antonio Vella & Vincenzo Ferrantelli
Evaluation of Histamine level in the Red Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) of the Mediterranean Sea in 2010–2015
Histamine is a biogenic amine present in fish species associated with a high amount of histidine, and it can cause the ‘scombroid poisoning’. The Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 govern the criteria to analyze histamine in fishery products and specifies that the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is the reference method. In this work, 664 samples were presented in the 2010–2015 shine, of which 46 (6.9%) were positive. With Chart 1 it can be noted that the number of samples has increased substantially in recent years (2013–2015) due to intensified official controls. On the contrary, the number of positives has decreased progressively. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 485-488 - MONOGRAPH
Maria Drussilla Buscemi, Francesca Ornella Assiria, Francesco Giuseppe Galluzzo, Viviana Giangreco, Ilaria Rizzuto, Gaetano Cammilleri, Rosaria Collura, Stefania Graci, Valentina Cumbo, Antonio Spinnato, Gianluigi Maria Lo Dico & Vincenzo Ferrantelli
Molecular identification of larvae for Anisakidae family reduced in benthic and pelagic fish
The present work, carried out at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sicilia “A.Mirri”, Department of Food, Laboratory C.Re.NA (National Reference Center for Anisakiasis), aims to identify species of larvae found in different fish species from the pelagic and benthic environment through molecular analysis (PCR, PCR-RFLP and sequencing) and evaluate the possible ecological relationship between parasites and guests in the two different marine environments. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 489-490 - MONOGRAPH
Claudio Fiorista, Luigi Maria Mammina, Michele Chetta, Pietro Sposito, Antonello Cicero, Innocenzo Ezio Giangrosso, Valentina Cumbo, Francesca Ornella Assiria, Andrea Macaluso, Gaetano Cammilleri, Rosaria Collura, Stefania Graci, Maria Drussilla Buscemi, Antonio Vella, Gianluigi Maria Lo Dico, Francesco Giuseppe Galluzzo, Ilaria Rizzuto, Viviana Giangreco, Giulio Bagnato & Vincenzo Ferrantelli
Sulphite’s determination in equine meat and its preparations
Sulphites are antimicrobial and antioxidant substances recognized as additives. Furthermore, these chemicals may reduce the nutritional quality of food by interacting with some vitamins such as nicotinamide, folic acid, thiamine and pyridoxal. An ionic chromatography with conductivity suppressor detector, after rapid distillation method was carried out for the quantitative determination of sulfites in food products. On two hundred samples of equine meat, we revealed that 23% of the analyzed samples are above the limit allowed by law. Sulphites are used illegally with the purpose of obtaining and maintaining the aesthetic and commercial characteristics. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 491-492 - MONOGRAPH
Giovanni Lo Cascio, Barbara Randisi, Nicola Cicero, Valentina Cumbo, Andrea Pulvirenti, Andrea Macaluso, Michele Chetta, Gaetano Cammilleri, Rosaria Collura, Stefania Graci, Maria Drussilla Buscemi, Antonio Vella & Vincenzo Ferrantelli
Determination of Chlorpyriphos in Sicilian peaches by Gascromatography-MSMS method coupled with quechers sample preparation procedure preparation
Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate pesticide used to kill a number of pests including insects and worms. It is considered moderately hazardous to humans by the World Health Organization and is harmful for these classes of animals. Gas chromatography tandem mass mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used for the quantification and confirmation of Chlorpyrifos pesticide residues in peaches. The analysis carried out on peach samples confirmed that chlorpyrifos are widely used in Sicilian territory so that 34 percent of the samples were contaminated by the pesticide. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 493-494 - MONOGRAPH
Vita Giaccone, Gianluigi Maria Lo Dico, Licia Pantano, Gaetano Cammilleri, Valentina Cumbo, Antonio Vella, Francesco Giuseppe Galluzzo, Ilaria Rizzuto, Barbara Randisi, Giulio Bagnato, Andrea Pulvirenti & Andrea Macaluso
First report on the presence of Alloxan in Bleached Flour by LC-MS/MS Method
Alloxan is a ketone with a low molecular weight and neutral functional groups. In this work the presence of Alloxan in bread, pastry and cake bleached flour was investigate in order to verify possible risk for consumers related to the use of chemicals for flour bleaching. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 495-496 - MONOGRAPH
Vincenzo Ferrantelli, Antonella Costa, Stefania Graci, Gaetano Cammilleri, Maria Drussilla Buscemi, Rosaria Collura, Gianluigi Maria Lo Dico, Valentina Cumbo, Francesca Ornella Assiria, Michele Chetta, Andrea Macaluso & Antonio Vella
Impact of the “Anisakis C.Re.N.A.” APP
Anisakiasis is a zoonotical disease provoked by the nematodes belonged to the Anisakidae family. The trend of Anisakiasis cases increases continously, therefore a constant awareness of this topic is essential for the consumers' protection. An application for smartphones was carried out by the National Centre for Anisakiasis for this purpose. This work aimed at evaluate the impact of “Anisakis CReNA” app for consumers by the implementation of a survey. The results obtained revealed that the app developed has reached the goal established giving easy to understand and easy to consult information for the protection of consumers regarding the risks related to these parasites. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 497-498 - MONOGRAPH
Gianluigi Maria Lo Dico, Antonello Cicero, Ladislao La Scala, Innocenzo Ezio Giangrosso, Ignazio Munna, Antonella Amato, Francesca Ornella Assiria, Vincenza Lo Verde, Andrea Macaluso, Gaetano Cammilleri, Rosaria Collura, Stefania Graci, Valentina Cumbo, Francesco Giuseppe Galluzzo, Giulia Caracappa, Maria Drussilla Buscemi, Antonio Vella & Vincenzo Ferrantelli
Heavy metal toxicity and food contamination: lead, cadmium, and mercury determination on fish matrices from the FAO 37.2.2
Heavy metals can be essential, benefits and toxic. The 246 samples of swordfish, tuna and bivalve molluscs examined coming from the request of private individuals and at the request of the Control Authorities in order to carry out routine checks or inspections of food safety. All the elements were determined by an ICP-MS. The level of contamination of heavy metals in the fish species sampled in the Mediterranean Sea has been investigated as an indicator of water pollution. This study highlighted the presence of lead and cadmium, especially in swordfish samples, but all within the limits of law; mercury is absent in all samples. Top predators have higher levels of heavy metals than other species due to the bioaccumulation phenomenon. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 499-516 - MONOGRAPH
Agatino Reitano, Fabio Liberto, Maria Stella Colomba, Ignazio Sparacio & Rossana Sanfilippo
Notes on some interesting species of Mollusca Gastropoda of the Monterosato collection preserved into the “Museo di Scienze della Terra” of Catania (Italy)
In the year 2008, the then named Department of Geological Sciences of the University of Catania came into possession of malacological material belonging to Tommaso Di Maria, baron of Allery and marquis of Monterosato (Palermo, 1841–1927), an important malacologist specialized in the systematics of continental and mostly marine and fossil molluscs from the Mediterranean Sea and north east Atlantic. The small collection also includes interesting lots of shells belonging to other Sicilian naturalists such as the abbot Giuseppe Brugnone (Caltanissetta, Italy) and Pietro Calcara (Palermo, Italy). In this malacological collection, some interesting taxa little known and difficult taxonomic interpretations have been found. The rediscovery of the Aghatina mandralisci Calcara, 1840 and Lachesis retifera Brugnone, 1880 probable lectotypes, and the taxonomy of Helix schwerzenbachi Calcara, 1841 and Helix cupani Calcara, 1842 (syntypes) are discussed. Particularly, A. mandralisci is proposed as a synonym of Allopeas gracilis (Hutton, 1834), H. schwerzenbachi is proposed as a synonym of Punctum (Punctum) pygmaeum (Draparnaud, 1801), and H. cupani is proposed as a synonym of Xerotricha conspurcata (Draparnaud, 1801). -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 517-526 - MONOGRAPH
Maria Stella Colomba, Armando Gregorini, David P. Cilia, Fabio Liberto, Agatino Reitano & Ignazio Sparacio
Molecular studies on the genus Muticaria Lindholm, 1925 (Pulmonata, Clausiliidae) from the Maltese Islands
The present study has been carried out with focus on Muticaria macrostoma group from the Maltese Islands to characterize and define, from a molecular standpoint, their identity and relationships with topotypical Sicilian Muticaria (i.e. M. syracusana, M. neuteboomi, M. cyclopica and M. brancatoi). Molecular study included amplification of 16S rDNA (ca. 300 bp) and COI (ca. 700 bp) gene partial sequences which were used for single and combined gene analysis by Bayesian Inference to achieve the phylogenetic reconstructions with the highest posterior probabilities. Obtained results showed that, within M. macrostoma group, the taxa mamotica and oscitans can be elevated to the specific rank, thus bringing to three the Maltese Muticaria species, i.e. M. macrostoma, M. mamotica, and M. oscitans; whereas scalaris may be considered a subspecies, or even a synonim. Present findings confirmed the validity of the Sicilian species M. syracusana, M. neuteboomi, M. cyclopica and M. brancatoi. Furthermore, the populations of the Sicilian and Maltese Muticaria seem to belong to two different levels of differentiation. Finally, we have also examined some Lampedusa populations but the position of this genus still remains to be clarified. In particular, it is confirmed that Lampedusa and Muticaria are different genera, but at present, the relations within the Lampedusa group need further studies to be analysed in details. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 527-546 - MONOGRAPH
Fabio Liberto, Maria Stella Colomba & Ignazio Sparacio
New data on the genus Albinaria (Pulmonata Clausiliidae) from the Astypalea Island and neighboring islets (Dodecanese Archipelago, Greece)
In this work, the authors investigated the genus Albinaria Vest, 1867 (Pulmonata Clausiliidae) from the Astypalea Island and the nearby islets of Ofidoussa and Kounoupi (Dodecanese Archipelago, Greece). The two endemic subspecies known, Albinaria (Albinaria) brevicollis astropalia (O. Boettger, 1883) and A. (A.) brevicollis maltezana Nordsieck, 2015 are redescribed and illustrated for shell and genital morphology. Furthermore A. (A.) brevicollis cf. sica Fuchs et Käufel, 1936 is reported for the first time from the north-east Astypalea, and two new subspecies, A. (A.) brevicollis granoi n. ssp. and A. (A.) brevicollis cristinae n. ssp. are here described from North-West Astypalea and Ofidoussa Islet, respectively. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 565-566 - MONOGRAPHProceedings of the 4th International Congress on Biodiversity “Man, Natural Habitats and Euro-Mediterranean Biodiversity” - November 17th-19th, 2017 – MALTA, Index
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 569-576
Fahima Neffar, Leila Rouahna, Tayeb Kerris & Fouad Meradsi
Characterization of gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera Lymantriidae) eggs in Cork oak forests of the Kabylie region (Jijel-Algeria)
Algerian oak forests, extending over the entire northern littoral region, are attacked episodically by many defoliating Lepidoptera, of which Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera Limantriidae) is the most widespread. In our study we aim to highlight the action of the changes of trophic factors on the dynamics of the population of Lymantria dispar through field inventory methods. Namely: the eggs counting by the line-transect method, picking of the eggs, control of eggs quality. Carried out on two stations in the Kabylie region (Jijel), in the forest of Béni Ider El M’sid (Taher) and that of the Ouled Djendjen Canton Boudouda (Texanna). The obtained results show that Texanna station is distinguished by a very high non-viable egg rate compared to Taher station, this is caused by the difference between the phenology of Lymantria dispar and the host tree which is affected in its foliage by various factors whose altitude is one of these factors. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 577-588
Amine Ghelamallah, Rachid Bouhraoua, Ehsan Rakhshani, José M. Michelena, Djilali Benabdelmoumene, Mar Ferrer-Suay & Juli Pujade-Villar
Bioecological study of parasitic complexes of aphids in North-West Algeria
Myzus persicae (Sulzer, 1776) (Hemiptera Aphididae) is the most significant aphid pest of peach trees. Chemical control of this species is a quick and simple method to prevent the development of this pest, however, the massive use of these chemicals poses potential health and environmental risks. This study proposes an alternative biological control approach based on the use of parasitoids to reduce aphidian populations. The study, which we undertook over the course of three years, allowed us to observe almost the same species of parasitoid (Hymenoptera Braconidae) on the vegetable crops taken into exam in the study. However, some species were considered to be absent in the region. Others appeared only during the second and last year of study as Aphidius funebris Mackauer, 1961, Trioxys angelicae Haliday, 1833 and Praon exsoletum Nees, 1811. This study showed total dominance of A. matricarae Haliday, 1834 with very high parasitism (values of 61%, 54% and 78% during 2012, 2013 and 2014, respectively) followed by Lysephlebus testaceipes Cresson, 1880. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 589-592
Pierpaolo Rapuzzi & Toni Koren
Saphanus piceus perovici n. ssp. from Pag Island, Croatia (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Spondylidinae Saphanini)
Saphanus piceus perovici n. ssp. (Coleoptera Cerambycidae Spondylidinae Saphanini) from Pag Island (Croatia) is here described. The new subspecies is related with the subspecies Saphanus piceus ganglbaueri brancsik, 1886 described from Montenegro and known from the central and southern part of former yugoslavia, Albania, bulgaria, and Greece. The new subspecies is very interesting also due to the peculiar habitat where it was collected: very dry and warm. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 593-600
Belhocine Karim, Gasmi Yousria & Khati Wyllia
Influence of total length, sex and seasonal variations on hematological parameters in Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces Cyprinidae), Lake Tonga (Algeria)
Hematological parameters are used as an essential tool to assess the health status of fish. This study aims to provide a background on hematology in Lake Tonga’s Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces Cyprinidae) and to demonstrate the impact of seasonal variations, sex and size on hematology. The study was conducted throughout 2018 and involved 120 individuals sampled monthly and randomly. The specimens were weighed and measured. Blood samples were collected to determine hematocrit (Ht), hemoglobin (Hb), red (GR) and white (GB) blood cell count (Lym, Mon, Gra) and erythrocyte constants: mean blood cell volume (VGM), mean blood cell content (TGM), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (CCMH). The results revealed that the majority of the parameters studied did not show significant differences in size classes, and the statistical comparison between the two sexes revealed significant differences in the values of GR, GB, Mon, Mon, Gra, Ht, Hb, TGM and CCMH. On the other hand, all the parameters studied varied significantly over the seasons. -
Biodiversity Journal, 10 (4): 601-607
Antonio Scupola
New ant species of Myrmicaria Saunders, 1842 (Hymenoptera Formicidae) from Senegal, a second species with subpetiolar process in this genus
The description of Myrmicaria morettoi n. sp. (Hymenoptera Formicidae), new ant species from Senegal is given. This species presents an unusual ring-like subpetiolar process as M. salambo Wheeler, 1922, the only species in the genus Myrmicaria Saunders, 1842 sharing the armed petiole with the taxon newly described here. A first report of M. salambo from Ivory Coast is also given.
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